Latest Research System Updates

We strive to update the Research System in as timely a manner as possible, having due regard to quality concerns. We list below the most recent updates made to the Research System. For up-to-the-minute updates on OFAC actions, see the OFAC "Recent Actions" page.

I. OFAC Actions Pending Addition to the Research System


II. Latest Updates to the Research System

Jul. 26, 2024

Added Enforcement Release: State Street Bank and Trust Company and Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - State Street Bank and Trust Company (comments forthcoming).

Jul. 25, 2024

Added Case No CU-78815 and Case No. CU-2015-319798-1.

Jul. 23, 2024

Added Reporting Instructions under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act.

Jul. 22, 2024

Added OFAC Guidance on Extension of Statute of Limitations.

Jul. 18, 2024

Added Case No. SY-2017-339809-1 and Case No. SY-2017-348601-1.

Jul. 10, 2024

Added Russia-related GL 13J, Case No. IA-2018-353920-1 and LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-359725-8

Jul. 8, 2024

Added Venezuela General License 40C.

Jul. 6, 2024

Added OFAC Guidance: Production Submission Standards.

Jul. 3, 2024

Added Case No. CU-2016-329116-5, License No. CU-2016-329116-2, 3 and 4 and License No. FNK-532a. Added Imposing Sanctions on Entities and Vessels Trading in Iranian Petroleum or Petrochemical Products.

Jun. 26, 2024

Added Russia-related GL 55B, Case No. IA-2017-341518-1 and Enforcement Release: Mondo TV, S.p.a.

Jun. 20, 2024

Added Case No. SU-1917, Case No. IA-15014 and Case No. IA-15544.

Jun. 18, 2024

Added Western Balkans General License 3A, Western Balkans General License 4 and Western Balkans General License 5.

Jun. 14, 2024

Amended FAQ # 828, FAQ # 867 and FAQ # 884.

Jun. 13, 2024

Added Case No. CU-2016-325292-1.

Jun. 12, 2024

Added Prohibition on Certain Information Technology and Software Services, Russia-related GL 98, Russia-related GL 99, Russia-related GL 100, Updated Guidance for Foreign Financial Institutions on OFAC Sanctions Authorities Targeting Support to Russia’s Military-Industrial Base, FAQ # 1181, FAQ # 1182, FAQ # 1183, FAQ # 1184, FAQ # 1185, FAQ # 1186, FAQ # 1187, and FAQ # 1188. Amended/replaced FAQ # 976, FAQ # 1068, FAQ # 1122, FAQ # 1128, FAQ # 1146, FAQ # 1147, FAQ # 1148, FAQ # 1151, FAQ # 1152, Russia-related GL 6D, Russia-related GL 8J, and Russia-related GL 25D. Added Treasury Takes Sweeping Aim at Foundational Financial Infrastructure and Access to Third Country Support (Treasury) and Taking Additional Measures to Degrade Russia’s Wartime Economy (State). Added Consolidated Comment on Section 11 of EO 14024, as Amended.

Jun. 7, 2024

Implemented amendments to the Syrian Sanctions Regulations (542.101 et seq.). Added FAQ # 1180 and amended FAQ # 205, FAQ # 231, FAQ # 232, FAQ # 934, and FAQ # 938.

Jun. 6, 2024

Added application to License No. CU-2016-329116-1. Added LICENSE No. IA-2013-299855-5 and Cautionary Letter - Thomas Cook Group plc. Added Notable Examples of Services and Software Regarded as Incident to “Personal Communications” or “Communications” Over the Internet for Internet Service GLs (System Note).

May 30, 2024

Added Case No. ILLICIT-DRUGS-EO14059-2024-1218345-1 and License No. CU-76577.

May 29, 2024

Added FAQ # 1174, FAQ # 1175, FAQ # 1176, FAQ # 1177, FAQ # 1178, and FAQ # 1179. Amended or replaced FAQ # 732, FAQ # 736, FAQ # 745, FAQ # 748, FAQ # 757, FAQ # 769, FAQ # 770, FAQ # 785, 515.209, 515.340, 515.421, 515.542, 515.565, 515.570, 515.578, 515.582, and 515.584.

May 22, 2024

Added Case No. IA-2017-346590-1.

May 16, 2024

Added FAQ # 1173 and 31 CFR § 560.540 List of Services, Software, and Hardware Incident to Communications, Amended/replaced FAQ # 337, FAQ # 338, FAQ # 340, FAQ # 341, FAQ # 342, FAQ # 343, FAQ # 345, FAQ # 346, FAQ # 347, FAQ # 348, FAQ # 434, FAQ # 435, FAQ # 436, FAQ # 437, FAQ # 438, FAQ # 439, FAQ # 440, FAQ # 441, FAQ # 442, FAQ # 443, FAQ # 853, FAQ # 1087, FAQ # 1088, FAQ # 1110, 560.418, 560.508, 560.519, and 560.540.

May 15, 2024

Added Case No. MUL-2015-320028-1, Case No. IA-2017-338932-1 and Policy Alert on Disrupting Irregular Migration: Best Practices in Response to Recent Developments in the Aviation Sector.

May 10, 2024

Added Venezuela GL 8N,

May 8, 2024

Added Case No. IA-2013-299866-1. Added 5-8-24 "Interim final rule" versions of 501.602, 501.603, 501.604, 501.605, 501.801, 501.804, 501.805, 501.806, 501.807 and FR Notice Introducing Changes to RPPR. Added United States v. Zaidi (1:20-cr-00181) D.D.C (Dkt. 157) Statement of Offense.

May 2, 2024

Added REPO for Ukrainians Act, Stop Harboring Iranian Petroleum Act, Title I, Sec. 3111 of Public Law No: 118-50 (IEEPA/TWEA SOL Extension), Title II, Sec. 1 of Public Law No: 118-50 (EU/UK Alignment), FEND off Fentanyl Act (2024 "National Security Supplemental"), Fight and Combat Rampant Iranian Missile Exports Act, Mahsa Amini Human rights and Security Accountability Act, Hamas and Other Palestinian Terrorist Groups International Financing Prevention Act, Strengthening Tools to Counter the Use of Human Shields Act , Illicit Captagon Trafficking Suppression Act of 2023 and Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act of 2023. Added U.S. Continues to Degrade Russia’s Military-Industrial Base and Target Third-Country Support with Nearly 300 New Sanctions (Press Release) and Imposing New Measures on Russia for its Full-Scale War and Use of Chemical Weapons Against Ukraine (Press Release).

May 1, 2024

Added Russia-related GL 95, Russia-related GL 96, and Russia-related GL 97.

Apr 30, 2024

Added Case No. CU-2019-361318-1 and Russia-related GL 8I

Apr. 24, 2024

Added License No. CU-2016-329116-5 and Case No. CU-2016-329116-1, License No. CU-2016-329116-1.

Apr. 20, 2024

Added Enforcement Release: SCG Plastics Co., Ltd., Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - SCG Plastics Co., Ltd., Russia-related GL 94 and Treasury Targets Iranian UAV Program, Steel Industry, and Automobile Companies in Response to Unprecedented Attack on Israel (Press Release).

Apr. 18, 2024

Added Venezuela GL 44A, replaced October 18, 2023 Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 1, FAQ - # 2 FAQ - # 3, FAQ - # 4 and FAQ - # 5.

Apr. 17, 2024

Added Case No. SOM-2017-339163-1 and LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-359725-5, 7.

Apr. 15, 2024

Added Venezuela General License 5O.

Apr. 13, 2024

Added Consolidated Comment on the 4-12-23 Aluminum, Copper, and Nickel-Related Service and Import Prohibitions (System Ed. Note), EO 14068 Determination Imposing Prohibitions Related to Imports of Aluminum, Copper, and Nickel of Russian Federation Origin, EO 14071 Determination Imposing Prohibitions on Certain Services for the Acquisition of Aluminum, Copper, or Nickel of Russian Federation Origin, Russia-related GL 13I, FAQ # 1168, FAQ # 1169, FAQ # 1170, FAQ # 1171. FAQ # 1172, United States and United Kingdom Take Action to Reduce Russian Revenue from Metals (Press Release). Amended FAQ # 1019 and FAQ # 1128.

Apr. 12, 2024

Added Case No. IA-9573 and Case No. LI2-2012-299385-1.

Apr. 3, 2024

Added Case No. CU-2015-323402-1.

Apr. 2, 2024

Added Guidance on Transactions Related to Subsistence or Basic Human Needs for Individuals Designated Under Executive Order 14115.

Mar. 26, 2024

Added License No. SDGT-2016-329575-1

Mar. 19, 2024

Added Case No. DPRK2-2018-356417-1.

Mar. 14, 2024

Added Enforcement Release: EFG International AG.

Mar. 13, 2024

Added Case No. IA-2016-329758-1 and Case No. GLOMAG-2019-363474-1

Mar. 11, 2024

Added GTSR GL 29 and the reissued Global Magnitsky Sanctions Regulations (583.101 et seq.).

Mar. 7, 2024

Added Case No. IA-2016-329928-1 and Tri-Seal Compliance Note: Obligations of Foreign-based Persons to Comply with U.S. Sanctions and Export Control Laws,

Mar. 4, 2024

Amended FAQ # 1166. Implemented changes to the Sudan Stabilization Sanctions Regulations (f/k/a Darfur Sanctions Regulations), (546.201 et seq., incl. new 546.412). Added EO 14118. Added CROSS Customs Ruling N302588, CROSS Customs Ruling H326950, Yandex (Form 20-F for FY 2022), Corporación Andina de Fomento (2024 SEC Filing) and USPS Guidelines for Shipments to Crimea and Iran.

Feb. 29, 2024

Added FAQ # 1167 and amended FAQ # 1137 and FAQ # 1141. Implemented the non-substantive regulatory changes described here.

Feb. 29, 2024

Added Venezuela General License 45B.

Feb. 28, 2024

Added Case No. IA-2017-348861-1 and Case No. IA-14774.

Feb. 23, 2024

Added Russia-related GL 88, Russia-related GL 89, Russia-related GL 90, Russia-related GL 91, FAQ # 1164, FAQ # 1165 and FAQ # 1166. Amended FAQ # 886, FAQ # 887, FAQ # 1019, FAQ # 1022, FAQ # 1025, FAQ # 1027, FAQ # 1092 and FAQ # 1154. Added Russia-related GL 88A, Russia-related GL 91A, Russia-related GL 92, Russia-related GL 93, Treasury Designations Press Release, State Designations Fact Sheet, Risks and Considerations for Doing Business in the Russian Federation and Russia-Occupied Territories of Ukraine (State Department Advisory) and Delisting Guidance for Those Designated for Sanctions by the Department of State.

Feb. 21, 2024

Added Russia-related GL 83A and Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2022-954785-1.

Feb. 16, 2024

Added GTSR GL 28, Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian-Related Assistance and Critical Commodities to the Yemeni People and separate Research System entries for Q # 1, Q # 2, Q # 3, Q # 4, Q # 5, Q # 6, Q # 7, Q # 8, Q # 9, Q # 10, and Q # 11.

Feb. 15, 2024

Added FAQ # 1160, FAQ # 1161, FAQ # 1162, FAQ # 1163, 510.520, 510.521, 510.522. Amended 510.512, FAQ # 459, FAQ # 463 and FAQ # 558.

Feb. 14, 2024

Added Case No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2015-323301-1 and LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2021-373546-1.

Feb. 7, 2024

Added Russia-related GL 87, Treasury Targets Price Cap Violation Network and Implements G7 Ban on Russian Diamonds, Determination re: Prohibitions Related to Imports of Certain Categories of Diamonds and Determinations re: Prohibitions Related to Imports of Diamond Jewelry and Unsorted Diamonds of Russian Federation Origin and Diamond Jewelry and Unsorted Diamonds Exported From the Russian Federation

Feb. 7, 2024

Added License No. RUSSIA-EO14024-2022-983909-4.

Feb. 2, 2024

Amended FAQ # 629, Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 1, Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 5 and Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 6.

Feb. 1, 2024

Added EO 14115, FinCEN Alert on Israeli Extremist Settler Violence Against Palestinians in the West Bank (Includes OFAC Guidance), and Price Cap Coalition Compliance and Enforcement Alert.

Jan. 31, 2024

Added Case No. Ukraine-EO13662-2018-353695-1 and Burma GL 6.

Jan. 29, 2024

Added Venezuela GL 43A.

Jan. 24, 2024

Added LICENSE No. IA-2012-298595-1 and Case No. IA-2017-XXXXXX-1 (Reply to 3/9/17 Application).

Jan. 22, 2024

Added FAQ # 1159 and GTSR GL 27.

Jan. 18, 2024

Added Russia-related GL 13H, Russia-related GL 86 and Treasury Targets Price Cap Violation-Linked Shipping Company

Jan. 17, 2024

Added FAQ # 1158, GTSR GL 22, GTSR GL 23, GTSR GL 24, GTSR GL 25, GTSR GL 26, and Temporary Note Concerning the Jan. 17, 2024 Redesignation of Ansarallah (the Houthis) as a SDGT Entity.

Jan. 16, 2024

Added LICENSE No. RUSSIA-EO14024-2023-1076594-1, Venezuela GL 5N, and search criteria for items related to telecoms GLs and communications/personal communications GLs.

Jan. 12, 2024

Added Regulatory amendments to account for the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act, Joint Stock Company "Channel One Russia Worldwide" v. Russian TV Company Inc. (1:18-cv-02318-LGS-BCM) (SDNY, 2024, Dkt. 368).

Jan. 10, 2024

Added Case No. CU-2016-332180-1 and LICENSE No. CU-2023-1112805-1

Jan. 3, 2024

Added Case No. IA-2014-308303-1 and General Note on Conferences and Live Exchanges of Information (System Ed. Note) and Associated Scenario Matrix.

Dec. 26, 2023

Added Case No. MUL-2022-904838-1.

Dec. 22, 2023

Added EO 14114, Russia-related GL 83, Russia-related GL 84, Russia-related GL 85, FAQ # 1146, FAQ # 1147, FAQ # 1148, FAQ # 1149, FAQ # 1150, FAQ # 1151, FAQ # 1152, FAQ # 1153, FAQ # 1154, FAQ # 1155, FAQ # 1156, FAQ # 1157, Guidance for Foreign Financial Institutions on OFAC Sanctions Authorities Targeting Support to Russia’s Military-Industrial Base, Determination Pursuant to Section 11(a)(ii) of E.O. 14024, as amended by E.O. of December 22, 2023, Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i)(B) of E.O. 14068, as amended by E.O of December 22, 2023, amended Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of Executive Order 14068 (Effective June 28, 2022), amended FAQ # 973, FAQ # 1070 and FAQ # 1126.

Dec. 21, 2023

Added Enforcement Release: Privilege Underwriters Reciprocal Exchange.

Dec. 20, 2023

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2020-370943-1. Added Russia-related GL 81Russia-related GL 82, Treasury Tightens the Price Cap with New Sanctions and Updated Guidance and OFAC Guidance on Implementation of the Price Cap Policy for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products of Russian Federation Origin (Updated on December 20, 2023)

Dec. 13, 2023

Added Case No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2017-341539-1, Case No. SU-2798 and Enforcement Release: CoinList Markets LLC.

Dec. 12, 2023

Added Quint-Seal Compliance Note: Know Your Cargo: Reinforcing Best Practices to Ensure the Safe and Compliant Transport of Goods in Maritime and Other Forms of Transportation, Russia-related GL 79, Russia-related GL 80, Treasury Imposes Sanctions on More Than 150 Individuals and Entities Supplying Russia’s Military-Industrial Base and Taking Additional Sweeping Measures Against Russia.

Dec. 9, 2023

Added Enforcement Release: Nasdaq, Inc. and FAQ # 1145.

Dec. 6, 2023

Added Case No. CU-2014-307603-1, Case No. CU-81796 and Belarus General License 10.

Dec. 1, 2023

Added Russia-related GL 78 and Treasury Imposes Additional Price Cap-Related Sanctions.

Nov. 29, 2023

Added Case No. Ukraine-EO13662-2014-313323-1.

Nov. 22, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2015-316752-1, Enforcement Release: Binance Holdings, Ltd., Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - Binance Holdings, Ltd. and Plea Agreement & Statement of Facts - Binance Holdings, Ltd.

Nov. 19, 2023

Added Report to Congress on Renewal of Iraq's Sanctions Waiver for Electricity Payments (unpublished secondary sanctions waiver).

Nov. 17, 2023

Added FAQ # 1141, FAQ # 1142, FAQ # 1143 and FAQ # 1144.

Nov. 16, 2023

Added Russia-related GL 77, Treasury Sanctions Additional Maritime Companies, Vessels Transporting Oil Sold Above the Coalition Price Cap, Venezuela GL 8M, Venezuela GL 45A, FAQs Related to the Suspension of Certain U.S. Sanctions with Respect to Venezuela on October 18, 2023 - # 6, Western Balkans GL 2, Western Balkans GL 3 and FAQ # 1140.

Nov. 15, 2023

Added Case No. SU-2014-311179-1 and Case No. SU-2015-315714-1.

Nov. 14, 2023

Added Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to the Palestinian People.

Nov. 9, 2023

Added Case No. CU-2014-313324-1.

Nov. 8, 2023

Added 31 CFR § 538.536 (2016) - Activities relating to the petroleum and petrochemical industries in the Republic of South Sudan and Case No. SU-2013-306171-1. Added Russia-related GL 76A.

Nov. 7, 2023

Added Enforcement Release: Swift Prepaid Solutions, Inc. d/b/a daVinci Payments.

Nov. 2, 2023

Added Russia-related GL 13G, Russia-related GL 74, Russia-related GL 75, Russia-related GL 76 and Treasury Hardens Sanctions With 130 New Russian Evasion and Military-Industrial Targets.

Oct. 31, 2023

Added Directive 1 Under EO 14014, FAQ # 1138 and FAQ # 1139. Added Case No. SDGT-2014-308512-1, Case No. SU-3613-1 and Case Nos. CU-77330, CU-77408, etc. 

Oct. 25, 2023

Added Case No. IFSR-2014-314645-1, Russia-related GL 8H

Oct. 19, 2023

Added Venezuela GL 3I, Venezuela GL 5M, Venezuela GL 9H, Venezuela GL 43, Venezuela GL 44, Venezuela GL 45. Added FAQ # 1136 and FAQ # 1137, and amended FAQ # 595, FAQ # 629, FAQ # 661, and FAQ # 662. Added October 18, 2023 Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 1, October 18, 2023 Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 2, October 18, 2023 Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 3, October 18, 2023 Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 4, and October 18, 2023 Venezuela Looseleaf FAQ - # 5. Added Iran Ballistic Missile Procurement Advisory

Oct. 18, 2023

Added Case No. IA-16030 and ENF 37594 (Cautionary Letter and Related Correspondence).

Oct. 12, 2023

Added Treasury Sanctions Entities for Transporting Oil Sold Above the Coalition Price Cap to Restrict Russia’s War Machine and Russia-related GL 73. Added Price Cap Coalition - Advisory for the Maritime Oil Industry and Related Sectors (comment forthcoming).

Oct. 10, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2015-319421-1.

Oct. 4, 2023

Added Case No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2014-314571-1.

Sep. 26, 2023

Added  Case No. NPW-2014-308526-1 and Deutsche Forfait Terms of Removal Agreement.

Sep. 21, 2023

Added Enforcement Release: 3M Company, Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - 3M Company and Enforcement Release: Emigrant Bank

Sep. 20, 2023

Added Case No. CU-2012-295565-1 and application to LICENSE No. CU-2016-338197-1.

Sep. 18, 2023

Added FAQ # 1134 and FAQ # 1135.

Sep. 14, 2023

Added Russia-related GL 55A, Russia-related GL 72, With Wide-Ranging New Sanctions, Treasury Targets Russian Military-Linked Elites and Industrial Base (OFAC Press Release) and Imposing Further Sanctions in Response to Russia’s Illegal War Against Ukraine (State Dep't Press Statement).

Sep. 12, 2023

Added Case No. ZI-537 and General Note on U.S. Person Employees Working for Non-U.S. Person Companies With Sanctions-Implicating Business (System Ed. Note). Added LICENSE No. FNK-2020-369790-1, LICENSE No. FNK-2020-369790-2 and search criterion for specific licenses dealing with blocked real property in the U.S. Added Case No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2018-331136-1.

Sep. 5, 2023

Added Case No. SU-2015-315443-1 and Case No. CT-2014-313525-2. Added application to License No. CU-2015-320431-1.

Aug. 30, 2023

Added Case No. MUL-2013-302171-1 and application to License No. MUL-2013-302171-1. Added Case No. VENEZUELA-2018-354698-1.

Aug. 28, 2023

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-363328-1, 2, 3, and 4.

Aug. 24, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2016-337301-1, Case No. IA-14954 and Notable Examples of Activities That Do and to Not Constitute a “Service” for the Purposes of OFAC’s Regulations (System Ed. Note). Added FAQ # 1132, FAQ # 1133 and Burma-related Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of EO 14014.

Aug. 19, 2023

Added Joseph Van Loon v. Department of the Treasury (1:23-cv-00312) (WD Tx) (Aug. 17, 2023) (Dkt. 94), Tornado Cash Redesignation Memorandum (OFAC Internal) and Consolidated Comment on the Designation and Redesignation of Tornado Cash; Ensuing Litigation (System Ed. Note).

Aug. 17, 2023

Added Enforcement Release: Construction Specialties Inc. and Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - Construction Specialties Inc.

Aug. 16, 2023

Added Case No. CU-2016-337943-1, Case No. CU-2012-295570-1, License No. CU-2012-293944-1, License No. CU-80252-b. Added General Note on "Counterfactual Secondary Sanctions and Derivative Designation Safe Harbors" in Certain OFAC Guidance and FAQs (System Ed. Note).

Aug. 11, 2023

Added FAQ # 1131 and Treasury Imposes Sanctions on Russian Elites and a Russian Business Association. Added Case ID: SDGT-11284 (Kessem Hejeij, Sample Delisting Petition and Associated Correspondence).

Aug. 10, 2023

Added Case No. CU-2017-344688-1 and Case No. MUL-2016-325089-1. Added Russia-related GL 13F.

Aug. 9, 2023

Amended FAQ 937, added OFAC Compliance Communique: Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Syria; entries for Q # 1, Q # 2, Q # 3, Q # 4, Q # 5, Q # 6, Q # 7, Q # 8, Q # 9, Q # 10, Q # 11, Q # 12, Q # 13, Q # 14, Q # 15, Q # 16, Q # 17, Q # 18, Q # 19, Q # 20, Q # 21, Q # 22, Q # 23, Q # 24, Q # 25. Added Belarus GL 8 and Belarus GL 9.

Aug. 5, 2023

Added the Reissued Mali Sanctions Regulations (555.101 et seq.)

Aug. 3, 2023

Replaced FAQ # 741 (see comment).

Aug. 2, 2023

Added Case No. IA-10419Case No. IA-9398 and General Note on U.S. Organizations Providing Membership and Related Benefits to Sanctioned Persons (System Ed. Note)

July 27, 2023

Added Case No. UKRAINE-EO13685-2018-350266-1, Case No. CT-14564 and Tri-Seal Compliance Note: Voluntary Self-Disclosure of Potential Violations.

July 20, 2023

Added Russia-related GL 70 and Russia-related GL 71. Added Case No. CU-2015-315858-1, Case No. CU-2016-334368-1, and FAC No. CU-151435.

July 19, 2023

Added Venezuela GL 5L.

July 15, 2023

Added License No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-360364-7.

July 13, 2023

Added Case No. SU-4011-1.

July 12, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2016-329987-1.

July 10, 2023

Added Venezuela GL 40B and the Hostages and Wrongful Detention Sanctions Regulations (536.201 et seq.)

July 7, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2018-352841-1 and Case No. SDGT-999.

July 5, 2023,

Added Case No. IA-10466.

July 2, 2023

Added License No. CU-2017-339649-1, License No. SDGT-382, License No. NPW-1028, License No. IA-2014-307969-1, License No. CT-2013-300381-1, License No. FNK-2020-369869-1, License No. IA-2017-341299-1, License No. IA-2017-341817-1, License No. IA-2014-314205-1, ENF 23477 (Notable Notification of Blocking), ENF 41008 (Notable Blocking Notices), Case No. CU-2015-324039-1, Case No. SY-2019-358832-1, Case No. ZI-2019-362538-1, Case No. SOUTH SUDAN-2014-310204-1, Case ID SDNT-409549-01 - Delisting Letter (Sample), 2012 Letter From Szubin to Emerson in re: SWIFT, Letter From R. Richard Newcomb to Citigroup re: TRIA Attachment; 2006 DOJ Letter in re: Same, 2020 Email From Office of Chief Counsel in re: Litigation Involving Blocked Property, Case No. MUL-191 FAC No. MUL-304984, Case No. IQ-2724, OFAC Email in re: Reconsideration of State Department SDN Listings, and Case No. IA-2023-XXXXXX-1 (June 6, 2023)

June 28, 2023

Added Joint Fact Sheet on Understanding UK and U.S. Russia-Related Sanctions and the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance and Africa Gold Advisory.

June 27, 2023

Added Case No. MUL-372-1.

June 21, 2023

Added Burma GL 5 and Case No. COTED-6-1.

June 20, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2019-359841-1 and Enforcement Release: Swedbank Latvia AS.

June 14, 2023

Amended Fact Sheet: Provision of Humanitarian Assistance and Trade to Combat COVID-19, FAQ # 906, FAQ # 907, FAQ # 908, FAQ # 909, FAQ # 910, and FAQ # 911. Added Iran General License N-1, Syria General License 21A, Venezuela General License 39A

June 13, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2018-357507-1.

June 9, 2023

Added Guidance to Industry on Iran’s UAV-Related Activities.

June 8, 2023

Added Case No. CU-76349, Case No. CU-2015-322096-1, License No. IA-2013-302584-1, License No. IA-2013-302591-1, License No. IA-2013-303395-1 and License No. IA-2013-303515-1.

June 2, 2023

Added Iran GL P.

June 1, 2023

Added Sudan GL 1, Sudan GL 2, Sudan GL 3 and Sudan GL 4. Added FAC No. CU-155527; C-19065; Related OFAC Email from 2017.

May 31, 2023

Added Case No. CU-81874, Office of Global Targeting PPT Presentation (2016) and License No. MUL-2020-370795-3. Added Russia-related GL 69.

May 26, 2023

Added General Note on the Meaning of Significance of the Term “Conspiracy” as it Appears in OFAC’s Regulations (System Ed. Note) and In the Matter of the Seizure of: Five Domain Names Registered at Public Interest Registry (PIR): In the Matter of the Seizure of: Eight Domain Names Registered at Verisign, Inc. (E.D. Va., 2023, Case No.: 1:23-SW-216/7).

May 23, 2023

Added Venezuela GL 8L and Case No. IA-2013-303560-1. Added License No. FNK-2018-358178-1 and License No. FNK-2017-340944-3-4.

May 19, 2023

Added FAQ # 1126, FAQ # 1127, FAQ # 1128, and FAQ # 1129, amended FAQ # 998, FAQ # 999 FAQ # 1000, FAQ # 1001, FAQ # 1002, FAQ # 1004, FAQ # 1005, FAQ # 1018, FAQ # 1059, FAQ # 1061, FAQ # 1062, and FAQ # 1118, added Russia-related GL 13E, Russia-related GL 66, Russia-related GL 67 and Russia-related GL 68, amended Directive 4 Under EO 14024 and added Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of Executive Order 14024 (Effective May 19, 2023) and Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(ii) of Executive Order 14071 (Effective June 18, 2023)

May 18, 2023

Implemented the reissued version of the South Sudan Sanctions Regulations (558.101 et seq.). Enforcement Release: Murad, LLC and Former Senior Executive of Murad, LLC and Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - Murad, LLC.

May 16, 2023

Added 8-9-22 Guidance From OFAC to Del. Dep't of State in re: EO 14071 Services Prohibition.

May 11, 2023

Added License No. IA-2013-303215-1 and United States v. Robert Wise (SDNY, 2023 (S1 23 Cr. 73 (MKV)).

May 6, 2023

Added Russia-related GL 8G.

May 5, 2023

Added EO 14098 and amended FAQ # 836. Added Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2023-1057131-1, License No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2023-1057131-1.

May 1, 2023

Added Enforcement Release: Poloniex and Case No. MUL-236. Added Venezuela GL 42, FAQ # 1123, FAQ # 1124, FAQ # 1125, and DOJ Letter to Crystallex Court Special Master on Behalf of OFAC (April 7, 2023). Amended FAQ # 808 and Consolidated Comment on Crystallex International Corporation v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (D. Del, 2017 - ).

April 28, 2023

Amended FAQ # 501, FAQ # 502, FAQ # 503 and added Cyber General License (No. 1C).

April 26, 2023

Added 588.512 and amended 560.528. Added Enforcement Release: British American Tobacco p.l.c., Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - British American Tobacco p.l.c. and Deferred Prosecution Agreement - British American Tobacco p.l.c. (Statement of Facts).

April 24, 2023

Added Case No. UKRAINE-EO13661-2015-317467-1.

April 19, 2023

Amended FAQ # 595 and Venezuela GL 5.

April 18, 2023

Added Possible Evasion of the Russian Oil Price Cap and Case No. IA-2020-368922-1.

April 13, 2023

Added License No. CU-2018-353672-3, License No. FNK-2017-345343-1, Russia-related GL 62, Russia-related GL 63, Russia-related GL 64, Russia-related GL 65, FAQ # 1122 and Treasury Targets Russian Financial Facilitators and Sanctions Evaders Around the World (OFAC).

April 6, 2023

Added License No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2020-367941-1 and License No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2020-368724-2. Added Civil Enforcement Information - Microsoft Corporation.

April 4, 2023

Added Enforcement Release - Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Settlement Agreement - Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and Federal Reserve Board Order of Assessment of Civil Money Penalty - Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

March 31, 2023

Amended FAQ # 1118. Added Enforcement Release - Uphold HQ Inc., FAQ # 1121 and Global Magnitsky GL 7.

March 29, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2017-340755-1; License No. IA-2017-340755-1 and Case No. SDGT-721c

March 26, 2023

Added Sanctions Risks Associated with Provision of Jet Fuel to the Burmese Military and the Reissued Belarus Sanctions Regulations (548.101 et seq.)

March 21, 2023

Added License No. CU-79885, License No. CU-2013-303598-1 and Practitioner-Reported OFAC Guidance in re: the Acceptance of Payments for Legal Services as a Subcontractor; via Retainer

March 15, 2023

Added LICENSE No. SY-2015-324638-1, 2.

March 8, 2023

Added General Note on GLs and Other Types of Authorizations as Applied to Dealings in or Related to Securities of Sanctioned Issuers and Case No. CU-73511.

March 3, 2023

Added Iran GL O, FAQ # 1119, FAQ # 1120, Notice of Fraudulent Communications Requesting Payments Involving OFAC, Designating Iran Sanctions Evaders (State Dep't Press Statement) and Department of Commerce, Department of the Treasury, and Department of Justice Tri-Seal Compliance Note. Added NSD Enforcement Policy for Business Organizations (Mar. 2023 - Second Reissuance).

March 2, 2023

Added Case No. SY 2020-XXXXXX-1 (6/26/2020) added application to LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2022-947074-1 and Civil Enforcement Information - Godfrey Phillips India Limited,

Feb. 27, 2023

Added Supplemental Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance

Feb. 24, 2023

Added Russia-related GL 8F, Russia-related GL 13D, FAQ # 1114, FAQ # 1115, FAQ # 1116, FAQ # 1117, FAQ # 1118, Russia-related GL 60 Russia-related GL 61 and Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of Executive Order 14024 (Effective February 24, 2023).

Feb. 22, 2023

Added LICENSE No. IA-2015-316156-1. Added Guidance on Authorized Transactions Related to Earthquake Relief Efforts in Syria, and separate entries for Question # 1, Question # 2, Question # 3, Question # 4, Question # 5, Question # 6, Question # 7, Question # 8, Question # 9, Question # 10, Question # 11, Question # 12, Question # 13, Question # 14, Question # 15, Question # 16, Question # 17, Question # 18, Question # 19, Question # 20, Question # 21, Question # 22, and Question # 23.

Feb. 17, 2023

Added 2012 Letter From OFAC to Halkbank in re: Secondary Sanctions, 2013 Letter From OFAC to Halkbank in re: Secondary Sanctions and 2023 Letter From Treasury to Rep. Emmer in re: Tornado Cash.

Feb. 16, 2023

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-359725-4 and FAC No. CU-506321 and Related Licenses

Feb. 9, 2023

Added Syria GL 23 and Microsoft Corp. (2012 Correspondence With the SEC).

Feb. 8, 2023

Added License No. RUSSIA-EO14024-2022-983909-2 and FAQ # 1113.

Feb. 5, 2023

Added OFAC Guidance on Implementation of the Price Cap Policy for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products of Russian Federation Origin, Russia-related GL 56, Russia-related GL 57, Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(ii) of Executive Order 14071 and ($45/$100 Price Cap) Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(ii), 1(b), and 5 of Executive Order 14071 (commentary reflected in the Price Cap System Note).

Feb. 1, 2023

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2021-874564-1 and Corresp. in re: Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2022-954785-1.

Jan. 26, 2023

Added Global Magnitsky GL 5, Global Magnitsky GL 6, FAQ # 1111 and FAQ # 1112. Added OFAC Enforcement Overview and Case Studies; OFAC Recent Actions Overview, Other Presentations (2016 OFAC Fall Symposium) and OFAC PPT Presentation on URSR.

Jan. 24, 2023

Added Sec. 5590 of the FY 2023 NDAA. Added License No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2022-975232-1, License No. FNK-2015-316677-1, License No. SU-3808 and General Note on Short Format Licenses for the Unblocking of Funds Transfers / Accounts Blocked Erroneously or Otherwise (System Ed. Note).

Jan. 18, 2023

Added Case No. CU-2015-319004-1. Added Venezuela General License 5J and amended FAQ # 595. Added Russia-related GL 6C, Russia-related GL 28B and Russia-related GL 54A. Amended FAQ # 982, FAQ # 1054, FAQ # 1055 and FAQ # 1059.

Jan. 12, 2023

Added GTSR GL 21B and amended FAQ # 1097. Added FAQ # 1110 and amended FAQ # 337, FAQ # 338, FAQ # 339, FAQ # 340, FAQ # 341, FAQ # 342, FAQ # 343, FAQ # 344, FAQ # 345, FAQ # 346, FAQ # 348, FAQ # 434, FAQ # 435, FAQ # 436, FAQ # 437, FAQ # 438, FAQ # 439, FAQ # 440, FAQ # 441, FAQ # 442, FAQ # 443, and FAQ # 853. Regulatory amendments to account for the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act.

Jan. 10, 2023

Added Case No. IA-2012-293570-1. Added Venezuela GL 31B and amended FAQ # 522, FAQ # 547, FAQ # 660, FAQ # 679, and FAQ # 680. Protecting American Intellectual Property Act of 2022.

Jan. 4, 2023

Added Case No. SY-2020-370755-1.

Dec. 31, 2022

Added Civil Enforcement Information - Danfoss A/S, OFAC Preliminary Guidance on Implementation of the Price Cap Policy for Petroleum Products of Russian Federation Origin, Case No. LEB-13, Case No. LI2-723 and Case No. MUL-210.

Dec. 21, 2022

Added FAQ # 1105, FAQ # 1106, FAQ # 1107, and FAQ # 1108. Added over 100 GLs for (i) the official business of the U.S. government; (ii) the official business of certain international organizations and entities; (iii) transactions incident to certain humanitarian and other activities by nongovernmental organizations; and (iv) the provision of food and other agricultural commodities, medicine, medical devices, replacement parts and components, or software updates for medical devices for personal, non-commercial use, as described in the FR Notices here and here, and amended all provisions amended in the FR Notices. Added General Note on the Standard Ag/Med GLs for List-based Blocking Programs (System Ed. Note). Added FAQ # 1109.

Dec. 20, 2022

Added the Illicit Drug Trade Sanctions Regulations (599.101 et seq.) and Case No. IA-12784.

Dec. 16, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 8E, Russia-related GL 58, Russia-related GL 59, FAQ # 1103 and FAQ # 1104.

Dec. 15, 2022

Amended FAQ # 1097 and added GTSR General License 21A.

Dec. 14, 2022

Added General Note on E.O. 14071-Based Prohibitions on the Exportation of Certain Services to Persons Located in Russia (System Ed. Note) and License No. CU-2015-319004-1.

Dec. 11, 2022

Added Global Magnitsky GL 3, Global Magnitsky GL 4, FAQ # 1100, FAQ # 1101, and FAQ # 1102.

Dec. 8, 2022

Added General Note on the Prohibitions on Dealings in “New Debt” of Certain Sanctions Targets (System Ed. Note).

Dec. 7, 2022

Added Case No. IA-2013-302015-1; License No. IA-2013-302015-1.

Dec. 5, 2022

Added ($60 Price Cap) Determination Pursuant to EO 14071 and related Fact Sheet.

Dec. 1, 2022

Added Consolidated Comment on the Prohibitions on Certain Services as They Relate to the Maritime Transport of Crude Oil of Russian Federation Origin (the Price Cap).

Nov. 28, 2022

Added License No. RUSSIA-EO14024-2022-983909-1, Civil Enforcement Information - Payward, Inc. d/b/a Kraken.

Nov. 26, 2022

Added Venezuela GL 8K, Venezuela GL 41, FAQ # 1098 and FAQ # 1099.

Nov. 23, 2022

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-360364-5; LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-360364-6.

Nov. 22, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 13C, Added Determination Pursuant to sections 1(a)(ii), 1(b), and 5 of Executive Order (E.O.) 14071 (Effective December 5, 2022), OFAC Guidance on Implementation of the Price Cap Policy for Crude Oil of Russian Federation Origin, Russia-related GL 55, Russia-related GL 56 and Russia-related GL 57. (Note: Added "Key Legal Issues" search criterion for "The Notion of a "Substantial Transformation" and/or "Incorporation" into a Third-country Product").

Nov. 18, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 54.

Nov. 16, 2022

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2018-358633-1 and License No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2018-358633-1.

Nov. 15, 2022

Added GTSR General License 21, FAQ # 1097 and Treasury Targets Actors Involved in Production and Transfer of Iranian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Russia for Use in Ukraine.

Nov. 14, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 40C and Treasury Sanctions Global Russian Military Supply Chain, Kremlin-linked Networks, and Elites with Western Fortunes.

Nov. 10, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 53, FAQ # 1096 and Russia-related GL 8D.

Nov. 9, 2022

Added Treasury Designates DPRK Weapons Representatives (November 8, 2022 Press Release) and FAQ # 1095. Amended FAQ # 1076, FAQ # 1078 and FAQ # 1079

Nov. 8, 2022

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-2018-358633-1.

Nov. 4, 2022

Added Case No. FNK-2017-344870-1; LICENSE No. FNK-2017-344870-1. Added OFAC Director A. Gacki; "ACAMS October Monthly Sanctions Update: Special Edition (Live) with US Treasury on Russian Oil Price Caps" (Transcribed Excerpts).

Nov. 1, 2022

Added FAQ # 1094 and LICENSE No. FNK-2014-311428-1.

Oct. 26, 2022

Added Case No. UKRAINE-EO13661-2014-311648-1, ENF 51231 (1), ENF 51231 (2), ENF 51231 (3), and ENF 51231 (4) (Notable Notifications of Third Party Blocking).

Oct. 24, 2022

Added EO 14088, Nicaragua GL 4, FAQ # 1093 and the Nicaragua Investment Conditionality Act.

Oct. 18, 2022

Added Civil Enforcement Information - Nodus International Bank, Inc.

Oct. 15, 2022

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-2018-354717-1, LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-2019-362675-1-2, LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2020-367707-1, LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2020-368971-1, LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2020-368971-2, Guidance Interpreting LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2020-368971-2 and Consolidated Comment on the Eastern National Bank Licenses. Added Russia-related GL 28A.

Oct. 14, 2022

Added FAQ # 1092, Treasury-Commerce-State Alert: Impact of Sanctions and Export Controls on Russia’s Military-Industrial Complex and U.S. v. Graham Bonham Carter (Criminal Indictment, 2022 - SDNY).

Oct. 12, 2022

Added Civil Enforcement Information - Bittrex, Inc., Case No. Ukraine2-2014-311316-1, LICENSE No. UKRAINE2-2014-311316-1 and ENF 42112 (Notable Notification of Third Party Blocking).

Oct. 5, 2022

Added Case No. SY-2022-886833-1.

Oct. 1, 2022

Added LICENSE No. DPRK3-2016-337818-3, Civil Enforcement Information - Tango Card, Inc., FAQ # 1091 and Sanctions Compliance Guidance for Instant Payment Systems.

Sep. 30, 2022

Added General Note on the EO 14071 and EO 14066 Russia-related “New Investment” Prohibitions. Added a Research System search criterion for Russia-related New Investment-related items and Case No. CU-77778. Added the reissued Libyan Sanctions Regulations.

Sep. 29, 2022

Added the Central African Republic Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR part 553, and reissued Western Balkans Stabilization Regulations, 31 part CFR 588. Added OFAC and State Dep’t Press Releases in re: Iran-related Designations Pursuant to EO 13846.

Sep. 26, 2022

Added FAQ # 1087, FAQ # 1088, FAQ # 1088, Iran GL D-2 and Iran GL D-2-Related Press Statements/Briefings. Added License No. SU-3048 and FAQ # 1090. Added Civil Enforcement Information - CA Indosuez Switzerland S.A., and Civil Enforcement Information - CFM Indosuez Wealth.

Sep. 20, 2022

Added Case No. IA-16896, DOJ Letter in re: 031211-FACRL-IA-13.

Sep. 15, 2022

Added Case No. SU-2012-295884-1, FAQ # 1080, FAQ # 1081, FAQ # 1082, FAQ # 1083, FAQ # 1084, FAQ # 1085, FAQ # 1086, Russia-related GL 51, Russia-related GL 52, Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of EO 14024 (Effective September 15, 2022), and Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(ii) of EO 14071 (Effective September 15, 2022). Amended FAQ # 1033, FAQ # 1034, FAQ # 1059, FAQ # 1061, and FAQ # 1062.

Sep. 13, 2022

Added FAQ # 1076, FAQ # 1077, FAQ # 1078 and FAQ # 1079.

Sep. 9, 2022

Added Preliminary Guidance on Implementation of a Maritime Services Policy and Related Price Exception for Seaborne Russian Oil.

Sep. 8, 2022

Added Case No. BU-2013-301644-1, Russia-related GL 13B and Treasury Sanctions Iranian Persons Involved in Production of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Weapon Shipment to Russia (Press Release).

Sep. 3, 2022

Added "Updates Related to Price Cap on Russian Oil" and the amended and reissued Cyber-Related Sanctions Regulations.

Aug. 31, 2022

Added License No. SDGT-2021-372834-2.

Aug. 25 2022

Added Iran GL M-2 and amended FAQ # 853

Aug. 23 2022

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-359725-1.

Aug. 19 2022

Added Russia-related GL 50 and Russia-related GL 38A.

Aug. 15 2022,

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2022-950943-1 and LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2022-947074-1.

Aug. 8 2022

Added 2016 Letter From Treasury to Sen. Wyden re: 50 Percent Rule; U.S. Treasury Sanctions Notorious Virtual Currency Mixer Tornado Cash.

Aug. 3 2022

Amended Russia-related GL 40, Russia-related GL 47, and Russia-related GL 48.

Aug. 2, 2022

Added Case No. CU-77526(!) (amended certain System Notes dealing with the notion of "control"). Added FAQ # 1073, FAQ # 1074, FAQ # 1072, Russia-related GL47, Russia-related GL48, Russia-related GL49. Amended Russia-related GL40, and Russia-related GL43. Added Designation of Entities Supporting Trade of Iranian Petroleum and Petrochemical Products (Press Statement).

July 25, 2022

Added Case No. IA-11074 and Finding of Violation - MidFirst Bank. Added Russia-related GL 45, Russia-related GL 46, FAQ # 1071, FAQ # 1072, and amended FAQ # 1053, FAQ # 1054.

July 19, 2022

Added Executive Order 14078.

July 17, 2022

Added Civil Enforcement Information - American Express National Bank and Case No. MUL-2013-305202-1.

July 15, 2022

Replaced FAQ # 967, FAQ # 1039, FAQ # 1040, Russia-related GL 6, Russia-related GL 25, Russia-related GL 30, and added Russia-related GL 44 and FACT SHEET: Russia Sanctions and Agricultural Trade.

July 12, 2022

Added Case No. IA-2021-870300-1 and ENF 16021 (Cautionary Letter).

July 7, 2022

Added Venezuela GL 40A.

July 6, 2022

Added Case No. FNK-2017-345492-1, certain amendments to the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations.

July 1, 2022,

Added Case No. IA-8381, LICENSE No. DPRK3-2016-337818-2, U.S. Treasury Blocks Over $1 Billion in Suleiman Kerimov Trust (Press Release) and Updated Guidance on Filing the Annual Report of Blocked Property.

June 28, 2022

Added FAQ # 1070, Russia-related GL 39, Russia-related GL 40, Russia-related GL 41, Russia-related GL 42, Russia-related GL 43, and Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of EO 14068 (Effective June 28, 2022). Amended FAQ # 1029.

June 22, 2022

Added License No. IA-2021-376547-1; License No. IA-2021-376893-1.

June 17, 2022

Added FAQ # 1069 and Nicaragua GL 3.

June 16, 2022

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-364861-1 and LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2021-372516-1.

June 14, 2022,

Added Russia-related GL 8C, amended related FAQs (non-substantive amendments only).

June 10, 2022

Added Iran GL N-1, Syria GL 21A, Venezuela GL 39A, FAQ # 906, FAQ # 907, FAQ # 908, FAQ # 909, FAQ # 910, FAQ # 911, FAQ # 1056, and FAQ # 1057. Amended certain CACR FAQs and provisions (of note, 515.564, 515.565 and 515.570).

June 9, 2022

Added FAQ # 1060, FAQ # 1061, FAQ # 1062, FAQ # 1063, FAQ # 1064, FAQ # 1065, FAQ # 1066, FAQ # 1067, FAQ # 1068.

June 8, 2022

Added Case No. IA-2014-314662-1 and Case No. IA-2014-314663-1. Added FAQ # 1049, FAQ # 1050, FAQ # 1051, FAQ # 1052 FAQ # 1053, FAQ # 1054, FAQ # 1055, FAQ # 1056, and FAQ # 1057, and amended FAQ # 1005 and FAQ # 1019.

June 5, 2022

Added 31 CFR §§ 545.210, 545.319, 545.304, 545.404, 545.406. 545.409, 545.415, 545.418, 545.419, 545.420 (provisions involving "new investment") (1986, South Africa)

June 2, 2022

Added FAQ # 1046, FAQ # 1047, FAQ # 1048, Russia-related GL 36, Russia-related GL 37, Russia-related GL 38, and added amended Russia-related GL 25B. Added U.S. Treasury Severs More Networks Providing Support for Putin and Russia’s Elites.

May 31, 2022

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2021-373786-1 and LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2021-373786-1.

May 29, 2022

Added amended Venezuela GL 8j, added Civil Enforcement Information - Banco Popular de Puerto Rico.

May 25, 2022

Added amended Russia-related GL 13A.

May 24, 2022

Added Case No. IA-16144; License No. IA-16144 and Risks and Considerations for U.S. Businesses Operating in Sudan (Advisory).

May 18, 2022

Added Guidance on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Information Technology Workers, LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-2019-358982-1.

May 14, 2022

Added FAC No. FNK-474884 (Notable Third Party Notification of Blocking and Administrative Subpoena). Added Syria GL 22, FAQ # 1041, FAQ # 1042, FAQ # 1043, FAQ # 1044 and FAQ # 1045.

May 11, 2022

Amended FAQ # 1034, FAQ # 1035 and FAQ # 1038.

May 8, 2022

Added Determination Pursuant to Executive Order 14024 of April 15, 2021​, Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(ii) of Executive Order 14071 FAQ # 1033, FAQ # 1034, FAQ # 1035, FAQ # 1036, FAQ # 1037, FAQ # 1038, FAQ # 1039, FAQ # 1040, Background Press Call by a Senior Administration Official (May 8), Russia-related GL 25A, Russia-related GL 33, Russia-related GL 34, and Russia-related GL 35.

May 6, 2022

Added unredacted Case No. BU-2013-302061-1 and related General Note on the Relationship Between Various Forms of “Financing” and the Notion of an “Ordinarily Incident” Transaction.

May 5, 2022

Added the reissued Ukraine-/Russia Related Sanctions Regulations and related FAQs. Of particular note, the new Crimea-related GLs at 589.506589.518, 589.519, 589.520; the implementation of URSR-wide Official Business GLs at 589.510 and 589.511; the secondary sanctions related provisions at 589.201, 589.209, 589.413, the SSI directive-related provisions at 589.334, 589.302, 589.309, 589.311, 589.315, 589.325589.332, and 589.405. Added FAQ # 1032, Russia-related GL 31 and Russia-related GL 32. Amended FAQ # 1009, Russia-related GL 7a and Russia-related GL 26a.

May 2, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 30 and FAQ # 1031. Added application and related specific licenses to Case No. SU-2013-303493-1.

Apr. 25, 2022

Added Case No. CU-2013-300818-4 and Case No. CU-2013-300818-5. Replaced Ukraine GL 13 and Ukraine GL 15 (and amended related FAQs). Added United States v. Cao de Benos et al. (S1 20 Cr. 15 (PKC)) (SDNY, 2022); Indictment. Added Civil Enforcement Information - Toll Holdings Limited.

Apr. 22, 2022

Added Case No. CT-2015-320135-1 and License No. CU-71416; License No. CT-7571. Added Civil Enforcement Information - Newmont Corporation and Civil Enforcement Information - Chisu International Corporation.

Apr. 20, 2022

Added FAQ # 1030, Russia-related GL 28 and Russia-related GL 29.

Apr. 18, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 27, Russia-related Fact Sheet and License No. SU-2014-314079-1.

Apr. 15, 2022

Added FAC No. CU-506321 and Related Licenses; added Phillips Petroleum Company Venezuela Limited et al v. Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. et al., No. 1:21-mc-00046-LPS (D. Del. Mar. 2, 2022), (Dkt. 42).

Apr. 12, 2022

Added Russia-related General License 26.

Apr. 11, 2022

Added ENF 51470 (Administrative Subpoena) and ENF 51470 (Sample No Action Letter).

Apr. 8, 2022

Added Case No. CU-2015-320507-1, EO 14071, Russia-related GL 21, Russia-related GL 22, Russia-related GL 23, Russia-related GL 24 and Russia-related GL 25 and amended Russia-related GL 8, Russia-related GL 9, and Russia-related GL 10.

Apr. 1, 2022

Added application to Case No. SY-2019-364717-1. Added Determination Pursuant to EO 14024 (Effective March 31, 2022) and Civil Enforcement Information - S&P Global, Inc.

Mar. 28, 2022

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13884-2019-XXXXX (April 29, 2021).

Mar. 25, 2022

Added License No. SDGT-760f.

Mar. 24, 2022

Added FAQ # 1029, Russia-related GL 20 and Ukraine GL Number 25. Replaced Russia-related GL 6, Russia-related GL 17, FAQ # 1023, FAQ # 1024.

Mar. 21, 2022

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-2018-355407-2.

Mar. 18, 2022

Added application to Case No. IA-2015-320200-1. Added Ukraine GL 24 and amended FAQ # 1020.

Mar. 14, 2022

Added Case No. SDNT-734.

Mar. 11, 2022

Added LICENSE No. MUL-2020-370795-1, LICENSE No. MUL-2020-370795-2. Added EO 14068, Russia-related GL 17, Russia-related GL 18, Russia-related GL 19, Ukraine GL Number 23, FAQ # 1007, FAQ # 1021, FAQ # 1022, FAQ # 1023, FAQ # 1024, FAQ # 1025, FAQ # 1026, FAQ # 1027 and FAQ # 1028.

Mar. 8, 2022

Added Russia-related GL 16, EO 14066, FAQ # 1013, FAQ # 1014, FAQ # 1015, FAQ # 1016, FAQ # 1017, FAQ # 1018, FAQ # 1019, FAQ # 1020.

Mar. 4, 2022

Added FAQ # 1010, FAQ # 1011, FAQ # 1012 and State Department Waiver Under the Iran-Iraq Arms Non-Proliferation Act of 1992 re: Internet Services General License. Added application to LICENSE No. MUL-2013-305239-3.

Mar. 3, 2022

Added FAQ # 998, FAQ # 999, FAQ # 1000, FAQ # 1001, FAQ # 1002, FAQ # 1003, FAQ # 1004, FAQ # 1005, FAQ # 1006, FAQ # 1007, FAQ # 1008, FAQ # 1009, Russia-related GL 9A, Russia-related GL 10A, Russia-related GL 13, Russia-related GL 14 and Russia-related GL 15. Amended FAQ # 675, FAQ # 676, FAQ # 678, FAQ # 888, FAQ # 889, FAQ # 890, FAQ # 965, FAQ # 966, FAQ # 967, FAQ # 974, FAQ # 976, FAQ # 977, FAQ # 978, FAQ # 981, FAQ # 982. Added Crystallex Int'l Corporation v. Bolivarian Rep. of Venezuela (1:17-mc-00151-LPS, Dkt. 443) (D. Del) (2022).

Feb. 28, 2022

Added 2020 State Department Letter to Congress in re: SDN-Related Ventilator Purchase. Added Directive 4 Under EO 14024, Russia-related General License 8A and Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions Regulations.

Feb. 25, 2022

Added Directive 2 Under EO 14024, Directive 3 Under EO 14024, Russia-related GL 5, Russia-related GL 6, Russia-related GL 7, Russia-related GL 8, Russia-related GL 9, Russia-related GL 10, Russia-related GL 11, Russia-related GL 12, Belarus GL 6, Belarus GL 7, FAQ # 966, FAQ # 967, FAQ # 968, FAQ # 969, FAQ # 970, FAQ # 971, FAQ # 972, FAQ # 973, FAQ # 974, FAQ # 975, FAQ # 976, FAQ # 977, FAQ # 978, FAQ # 979, FAQ # 980, FAQ # 981, FAQ # 982, FAQ # 983, FAQ # 984, FAQ # 985, FAQ # 986, FAQ # 987, FAQ # 988, FAQ # 989, FAQ # 990, and amended FAQ # 371, FAQ # 675, FAQ # 676, FAQ # 678, FAQ # 886, FAQ # 956, and FAQ # 964. Added GTSR/FTOSR General License 20, FAQ # 991, FAQ # 992, FAQ # 993, FAQ # 994, FAQ # 995, FAQ # 996, and FAQ # 997.

Feb. 23, 2022

Russia-related GL 4, Secondary Sanctions Enforcement Announcement - Nord Stream 2.

Feb. 22, 2022

Added Directive 1A Under EO 14024, Russian Harmful Foreign Activities GL 2, Russian Harmful Foreign Activities GL 3, FAQ # 964 and FAQ # 965 (and amended FAQ # 678, FAQ # 888, FAQ # 889, FAQ # 890 and FAQ # 891). Added Determination Pursuant to Section 1(a)(i) of Executive Order 14024.

Feb. 21, 2022

Added LICENSE No. TCO-2017-348278-1; PacNet Group Terms of Removal Agreement, Executive Order 14065, Ukraine GL 17, Ukraine GL 18, Ukraine GL 19, Ukraine GL 20, Ukraine GL 21, Ukraine GL 22.

Feb. 18, 2022

Added Case No. NPW-1211, Case No. NPW-1165 and Case No. SU-3945.

Feb. 15, 2022

Added 544.507, 544.508 and the Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Sanctions Regulations.

Feb. 14, 2022

Added LICENSE No. DABRESERVES-EO-2022-886895-1, In Re: Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001 (1:03-md-01570) (Dkt. 7661) - USG Statement of Interest.

Feb. 11, 2022

Added Case No. IA-2016-328723-1, EO 14064 (Da Afghanistan Bank).

Feb. 9, 2022,

Added Ethiopia Sanctions Regulations, amendments accounting for the implementation of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act.

Feb. 7, 2022,

Added Case No. SY-2019-360387-1 and Case No. IA-2012-299450-1.

Feb. 4, 2022,

Added Case No. SU-1788 and Case No. CU-77803; License No. CU-77803.

Feb. 2, 2022,

Added FAQ # 957, FAQ # 958, FAQ # 959, FAQ # 960, FAQ # 961, FAQ # 962, and FAQ # 963.

Jan. 31, 2022,

Added Case No. IA-2017-340699-1, Case No. CU-82413, and Case No. SY-177.

Jan. 28, 2022,

Added General Note on the Boilerplate Provision Titled “Effect of Transfers Violating the Provisions of This Part”; “Null and Void” Transfers (System Ed. Note) and LICENSE No. LB-2013-304927-1.

Jan. 26, 2022,

Added Business Advisory on Heightened Risks Associated with doing Business in Burma.

Jan. 24, 2022,

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2019-359725-3. Amended Ukraine GL 13, Ukraine GL 15 and related FAQs. 

Jan. 21, 2022,

Added amended Venezuela GL 5I, FAQ # 595, the reissued Transnational Criminal Organizations Sanctions Regulations, 2018 Email From the State Department re: Title IV of the Helms Burton Act and License No. CU-76280, License No. CU-73490.

Jan. 17, 2022,

Added Case No. SDGT-847 and CASE No. SDNT-257.

Jan. 14, 2022,

Added application to Case No. IA-2016-329380-1, added Case No. SDGT-378.

Jan. 11, 2022,

Added Civil Enforcement Information - Sojitz (Hong Kong) Limited.

Jan. 10, 2022,

Added Case No. IA-15055, License No. IA-15055.

Jan. 7, 2022,

Added FAQ # 956, Case No. IA-15582, License No. IA-15582.

Jan. 4, 2022,

Added Civil Enforcement Information - Airbnb Payments, Inc.

Jan. 3, 2022,

Added Corporación Andina de Fomento (2021 SEC Filing), FAC No. CU-194183.

Dec. 31, 2021,

Added License No. CU-78926-a, Case Nos. SDGT-572 and SDGT-574; License No. SDGT-572 and Contrarian Capital Management, LLC v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1:19-cv-11018) (SDNY, Dkt. 126) - Judgment.

Dec. 27, 2021,

Amended 539.301, 539.302 and 539.304. Added LICENSE No. IA-2013-305758-1, 2 and Background Note re: United States v. Alavi Found. (In re 650 Fifth Ave. & Related Props.) and Related Cases.

Dec. 24, 2021,

Added Civil Enforcement Information - TD Bank, N.A., LICENSE No. SDT-009 and CASE No. SDT-110, LICENSE No. SDT-110.

Dec. 23, 2021,

Added GTSR/FTOSR GL 17, GTSR/FTOSR GL 18, GTSR/FTOSR GL 19, FAQ # 950, FAQ # 951, FAQ # 952, FAQ # 953, FAQ # 954, FAQ # 955 and Fact Sheet: Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan and Support for the Afghan People.

Dec. 20, 2021,

Added License No. CU-2015-317093-1, Notable "Telephone Opinion" by OFAC Office of Chief Legal Counsel (Reported by Citibank in Litigation).

Dec. 17, 2021,

Added Executive Order 14059; Case No. IA-17159 (cf United States v. Three Burmese Statues, (3:07-cv-00250) W.D.N.C. June 24, 2008).

Dec. 13, 2021,

Added application to Case No. IA-18073; added LICENSE No. IA 18173.

Dec. 12, 2021,

Added Dresser-Rand Company v. Petroleos De Venezuela, S.A. (1:19-cv-02689, dkt. 150) (SDNY, 2021).

Dec. 10, 2021,

Added GTSR/FTOSR General License 16 and FAQ # 949.

Dec. 9, 2021,

Added Civil Enforcement Information - An Unnamed Individual (18), ENF 50908 (Cautionary Letter).

Dec. 6, 2021,

Added Case No. SDGT-855; Letter From OFAC re: Blocked Property Reporting Requirements.

Dec. 3, 2021

Added Case No. WMD-11 and Notable Examples of Licensing Determinations Related to or Resulting in Successful Litigation Involving OFAC (System Ed. Note).

Dec. 2, 2021

Added Directive 1 Under EO 14038, Belarus GL 5, FAQ # 939, FAQ # 940, FAQ # 941, FAQ # 942, FAQ # 943, FAQ # 944, FAQ # 945, FAQ # 946, FAQ # 947, and FAQ # 948.

Nov. 29, 2021,

Added Case No. SU-3464.

Nov. 27, 2021,

Commentary for revised 542.516, General Note on GLs Authorizing Transactions of and Related to Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) (System Ed. Note).

Nov. 25, 2021,

Added Venezuela GL 8I, FAQ # 937, FAQ # 938. Added ENF 51433 (Administrative Subpoena and Related Correspondence) and ENF 51433 (Cautionary Letter).

Nov. 22, 2021,

Added Case No. CU-2015-320741-1, Imposition of Further Sanctions in Connection with Nord Stream 2.

Nov. 18, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-2016-330121-1, EO on the Termination of Emergency With Respect To the Situation in Burundi.

Nov. 15, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-11787, General Note on the Immigration-related GLs in the ITSR and SySR; and Dealings With Certain Iranian and Syrian Individuals Lawfully Present in the U.S. (System Ed. Note).

Nov. 12, 2021,

Added Ethiopia GL 4, FAQ # 935, FAQ # 936, and Dropbox, Inc. (2018 Correspondence With the SEC).

Nov. 11, 2021,

Added Case No. IQ-2655 and related specific licenses.

Nov. 10, 2021,

Added Civil Enforcement Information (FOV) - Mashreqbank psc, Order to Cease and Desist (Federal Reserve) - Mashreqbank PSC and Consent Order with NYSDFS - Mashreqbank PSC. Added Cambodia Business Advisory on High-Risk Investments and Interactions.

Nov. 9, 2021,

Added FAQ # 934.

Nov. 8, 2021,

Added LICENSE No. TCO-2016-338378-1 and LICENSE No. CU-2018-354788-1.

Nov. 4, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-2016-329380-1 and Case No. IA-2015-318952-1.

Nov. 1, 2021,

Added Case No. SY-254.

Oct. 28, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-2012-297076-1.

Oct. 25, 2021,

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-2018-357535-1; LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-2018-357535-1 .

Oct. 22, 2021,

Added The Treasury 2021 Sanctions Review, Case No. SDGT-816a, LICENSE No. SDGT-816a, LICENSE No. SDGT-957, LICENSE No. SDGT-816b, Case No. SDGT-816c, Case Nos. SDGT-444, SDGT-472 and SDGT-475; LICENSE No. SDGT-484, LICENSE No. SDGT-403; Case No. SDGT-403.

Oct. 18, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-2015-321890-1.

Oct. 15, 2021,

Added Nov. 2014 Message From OFAC SC&E to Local Sudanese UNDP Staff in re: UNFCU Accounts. Added Sanctions Compliance Guidance for the Virtual Currency Industry, amended FAQ # 559 and FAQ # 646.

Oct. 11, 2021,

Added Letter From Treasury to Sen. Cruz in re: SDN Twitter Accounts (Associated Correspondence Included), General Note on Prohibitions, Licenses and Exemptions as Applied to Social Media and Other Communications-Related Internet Services and Software (System Ed. Note).

Oct. 8, 2021,

Added LICENSE No. IA-2012-296722-1 and The Western Union Company (Correspondence With the SEC).

Oct. 4, 2021,

Replaced Case No. SY-2019-364717-1 (fully unredacted pursuant to FOIA appeal).

Oct. 1, 2021,

Added FAQ # 933.

Sep. 30, 2021,

Added LICENSE No. NPW-143, Temporary Note Concerning the Status of the Unrecognized Government of Afghanistan Under the GTSR. Added FAQ # 932.

Sep. 27, 2021,

Added LICENSE No. IA-2021-376383-1, Civil Enforcement Information - Cameron International Corporation and Civil Enforcement Information - Schlumberger Rod Lift, Inc.

Sep. 24, 2021,

Added Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2020-366869-1, Consolidated Comment on Crystallex International Corporation v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (D. Del, 2017 - ), and Selected Documents Associated with the Litigation. Added FAQ # 928, FAQ # 929,FAQ # 930, FAQ # 931, GTSR/FTOSR General License 14, GTSR/FTOSR General License 15.

Sep. 21, 2021,

Added Updated Advisory on Potential Sanctions Risks for Facilitating Ransomware Payments.

Sep. 20, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-8274 and Case No. IA-8285.

Sep. 17, 2021,

Added EO 14046 (Ethiopia), FAQ # 922, FAQ # 923, FAQ # 924, FAQ # 925, FAQ # 926, FAQ # 927, Ethiopia General License Number 1, Ethiopia General License Number 2, and Ethiopia General License Number 3. Added License No. IA-3579; License No. IA-3636.

Sep. 13, 2021,

Added Case No. SY-2019-364717-1, added new specific license-related search criteria.

Sep. 10, 2021,

Added Case No. NK-93053, Venezuela GL 5H.

Sep. 9, 2021,

Added Civil Enforcement Information - NewTek, Inc.

Sep. 6, 2021,

Added Case No. SY-2012-295630-1 and Case No. SU-2013-303493-1. Added General Note on Transactions by U.S. Person Agents, Employees, Subsidiaries and Affiliates of “Licensees”—and With Persons Related to Sanctioned Persons—as Transactions “Ordinarily Incident” to Underlying Authorized Transactions.

Sep. 3, 2021,

Added Case No. GEN 410.

Aug. 30, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-2014-307884-1.

Aug. 28, 2021,

Added Civil Enforcement Information - First Bank SA and JC Flowers & Co., LICENSE No. FNK-2017-340718-1 and LICENSE No. FNK-2017-341112-2.

Aug. 26, 2021,

Civil Enforcement Information - Bank of China (UK) Limited.

Aug. 24, 2021,

Iran GL M-1.

Aug. 23, 2021,

Added Case No. SY-219-1 and Case No. SY-32; FAC No. SY-241825.

Aug. 20, 2021,

Added FAC No. BEL-368210 (Notable Blocking Notices) and General Note on the Meaning and Significance of the Term “Act on Behalf Of”, as It Appears in Various Contexts. Added Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Certain Russian Energy Export Pipelines (E.O. 14039), PEESA General License Number 1A, FAQ # 919, FAQ # 920, and FAQ # 921.

Aug. 16, 2021,

Added Case No. IA-2015-320200-1.

Aug. 13, 2021,

Added LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-2019-363495-1.

Aug. 11, 2021,

Added Fact Sheet: Supporting the Cuban People’s Right to Seek, Receive, and Impart Information through Safe and Secure Access to the Internet.

Aug. 9, 2021

Added License No. SDGT-2020-367813-1, SDGT-17138 (Notable Blocking Notices). Added Executive Order on Blocking Property of Additional Persons Contributing to the Situation in Belarus (EO 14038), Belarus General License 4, FAQ # 916, FAQ # 917 and FAQ # 918.

Aug. 6, 2021

Added License No. CU-2015-320431-1, LICENSE No. VENEZUELA-2018-353747-4.

Aug. 3, 2021

Added Case No. BU-2013-302061-1.

Jul. 26, 2021

Added ENF 43092 (Notable Third Party Notification of Blocking) and State Department Fact Sheet: Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Cuba (July 23, 2021)

Jul. 24, 2021

Added Civil Enforcement Information - Payoneer Inc.

Jul. 20, 2021

Added amended Venezuela GL 5 and FAQ # 595.

Jul. 19, 2021

Added Case No. IA-2018-351723-1, United States v. Bahadorifar (S.D.N.Y. 2021) - Criminal Indictment (1:21-cr-00430, Dkt 1). Added Civil Enforcement Information - Alfa Laval Middle East Ltd., Settlement Agreement (OFAC) - Alfa Laval Middle East Ltd., Civil Enforcement Information - Alfa Laval Inc. and Settlement Agreement (BIS) - Alfa Laval Middle East Ltd. and Alfa Laval Inc.

Jul. 17, 2021

Added Hong Kong Business Advisory (July 16, 2021).

Jul. 14, 2021

Added Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory (Updated: July 13, 2021).

Jul. 12, 2021

Added Venezuela General License 40, FAQ # 914 and FAQ # 915. Added LICENSE No. IA-2018-350420-1.

Jul. 6, 2021

Added Case No. SU-3797-1, General Note on Exemptions and General Licenses for the “Official Business” of the U.S. Government (and/or United Nations) and Employees, Contractors, or Grantees Thereof.

Jul. 2, 2021

Added Case No. IA-2015-323596-1.

Jun. 27, 2021

Added LICENSE No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2020-366979-1 (with transmittal letter and related correspondence), LICENSE No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2020-366977-1 (with transmittal letter and related correspondence), License No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2018-355905-1, 2, 3 (with transmittal letter and license applications). Amendments to the Consolidated Comment on US VC Partners GP LLC et al. v. OFAC.

Jun. 21, 2021

Added Belarus General License 3, FAQ # 912 and FAQ # 913. Added SDGT-9966 (Blocking Memorandum) and General Note on the Blocking of Persons and Property Pending Investigation.

Jun. 18, 2021

Added Iran General License N, Syria General License 21, Venezuela General License 39, FAQ # 906, FAQ # 907, FAQ # 908, FAQ # 909, FAQ # 910 and FAQ # 911.

Jun. 14, 2021

Added Case No. IA-2015-323596-1.

Jun. 11, 2021

Added FAC # 848557

Jun. 9, 2021

Added Executive Order 14033.

Jun. 7, 2021

Added State Department Diplomatic Note No. 2019-1133/EEST and related Case No. IA-2019-364590-1.

Jun. 4, 2021

Added, EO 14032, FAQ # 897, FAQ # 898, FAQ # 899, FAQ # 900, FAQ # 901, FAQ # 902, FAQ # 903, FAQ # 904, FAQ # 905, White House Fact Sheet on EO 14032, Consolidated Comment on the Chinese Military Companies Sanctions Under the EO Issued June 3, 2021. Amended certain Chinese Military Companies-related FAQs.

Jun. 1, 2021

Added Venezuela General License 8H and Case No. SDGT-1471-1.

May. 31, 2021

Implementation of Burma Sanctions Regulations (Part 525); added FAC No. IA-145905 and Case No. IA-2013-304156-1.

May 27, 2021

Added FAQ # 896, Declaration of John E. Smith in OI European Group B.V. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1:19-mc-00290) (Dkt. 95, D. Del 2021) and Case No. IA-2015-318293-1.

May 21, 2021

Added Case No. IA-18073. Added Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act (PEESA) General License No. 1, FAQ # 894, FAQ # 895 and Secondary Sanctions Enforcement Announcement - Nord Stream 2 and European Energy Security.

May 20, 2021

Sudan-related amendments to the TLGSR, added applications to Case No. IA-2016-325474-1 and Case No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2018-358314-1.

May 18, 2021

All revisions and additions to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Sanctions Regulations and Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions Regulations. Added May 15, 2021 Report Pursuant to Section 5(b) of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act (Treasury) and Executive Order 13959 - General License No. 1B (Chinese Military Companies).

May 17, 2021

Added Case No. BU-2013-305114-1 (in re: License No. BU-2013-305114-1)

May 14, 2021

Replaced Case No. SY-2015-315677-1 and Case No. IA-2014-314666-1 with less-redacted versions, subsequent to partially sustained FOIA appeal.

May 10, 2021

Added Case No. IA-2015-318609-1.

May 6, 2021

Added FAQ # 892, FAQ # 893.

May 3, 2021

Added Case No. BU-2013-302037-1.

Apr. 30, 2021

Added Civil Enforcement Information - MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc., Civil Enforcement Information - SAP SE, Settlement Agreement (BIS) - SAP SE, Non-Prosecution Agreement - SAP SE. Added Case No. BU-2012-294603-1.

Apr. 28, 2021

Aditions and amendments accounting for the reissuance of the Somalia Sanctions Regulations.

Apr. 23, 2021

Added General Note on General Licenses for Transactions Related to Telecommunications and Mail, Case No. SY-2015-315677-1 and Case No. IA-2014-314666-1.

Apr. 20, 2021

Added Civil Enforcement Information -Alliance Steel, Inc.

Apr. 19, 2021

Added Belarus General License 2-H, License No. MUL-2013-302171-1, FAC No. 105290.

Apr. 16, 2021

Added Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, Directive 1 Under Executive Order of April 15, 2021 (EO 14024), FAQ # 886, FAQ # 887, FAQ # 888, FAQ # 889, FAQ # 890, FAQ # 891. Amended FAQ # 673, FAQ # 674, FAQ # 675. Added Case No. SU-2428, LICENSE No. CU-2016-338197-1.

Apr. 12, 2021

Amended FAQ # 97, FAQ # 98, FAQ # 836, OFAC TSRA FAQ - 1 and OFAC TSRA FAQ - 5. Added Case No. IA-2018-358410-1.

Apr. 9, 2021

Added Frequently Asked Questions on PEESA, as amended by the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2021. amended the definition of “applicable schedule amount” in Appendix A to the RPPR, added Case No. IA-2016-325474-1.

Apr. 5, 2021

Added Case No. IA-2014-314878, Frequency Electronics, Inc., Q1 2021 10-Q Filing, FAQ # 884, and FAQ # 885.

Apr. 2, 2021

Added Executive Order on the Termination of Emergency With Respect to the International Criminal Court, Case No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2018-358314-1.

Mar. 30, 2021

Added License No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2019-360487-1, and License No. UKRAINE-EO13662-2020-367531-1.

Mar. 26, 2021

Added Case No. ZI-2018-359723-1, Civil Enforcement Information - Nordgas S.r.l., United States ex rel. Brutus Trading, LLC v. Standard Chartered Bank - 3rd Decl. of the OFAC Asst. Dir. Of SC&E. Added Settlement Agreement - Nordgas S.r.l.

Mar. 25, 2021

Added Burma General License Number 1, Burma General License Number 2, Burma General License Number 3, Burma General License Number 4, FAQ # 882, and FAQ # 883.

Mar. 22, 2021

Added Case No. CU-2019-XXXXX-1 (11/21/2019), amendments for the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act.

Mar. 19, 2021

Added Nord Stream 2 and Potential Sanctionable Activity (March 18, 2021 State Dep't Press Statement).

Mar. 17, 2021

Added Case No. IA-2015-321102-1.

Mar. 15, 2021

Added Civil Enforcement Information - UniControl, Inc. and Case No. IA-2019-364065-1.

Mar. 14, 2021

Added FAQ # 880, FAQ # 881, Letter From Bradley T. Smith In Re: Luokung Technology Corp (2021) and Letter From Defense Dep't In Re: Luokung Technology Corp (3-9-2021).

Mar. 2, 2021

Amended FAQ # 501, FAQ # 502, FAQ # 503 and Cyber General License (No. 1B). Added Certification of Good Faith Wind Down Efforts and Wind-Down Explanation of Decision (PEESA) and Report to Congress on Provision of Pipe-Laying Vessels and Activities for Certain Russian Energy Export Pipelines (PEESA).

Feb. 18, 2021

Added Civil Enforcement Information - BitPay, Inc.

Feb. 16, 2021

Amendments accounting for the removal of Ansarallah's FTO and SDGT designations.

Feb. 11, 2021

Added Executive Order 14014 - Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to the Situation in Burma.

Feb. 8, 2021

Added General Note on the Relationship Between OFAC's Regulatory Practices and the “Fair Notice” / “Fair Warning” Requirements of the U.S. Constitution and Administrative Procedure Act,

Feb. 2, 2021

Added amended Venezuela General License 30A.

Jan. 27, 2021

Added Agreement Between EN+ Group Plc, UC Rusal, and OFAC on the Terms of Removal of EN+ Group Plc, UC Rusal Plc, and JSC Eurosibenergo From the SDN List, FAQ # 878, FAQ # 879 and Executive Order 13959 - General License No. 1A (Chinese Military Companies). Added LICENSE No. GLOMAG-2021-371648-1.

Jan. 25, 2021

Added GTSR/FTOSR General License 13, amended FAQ # 876.

Jan. 20, 2021

Added State Department Russia Fact Sheet.

Jan. 19, 2021

Added GTSR/FTOSR General License 9, GTSR/FTOSR General License 10, GTSR/FTOSR General License 11, GTSR/FTOSR General License 12, FAQ # 875, FAQ # 876, FAQ # 877, Notable "Derivative" Designations - Treasury Targets Venezuelan Oil Sector Sanctions Evasion Network, and Sanctions Re: Nord Stream 2 . Added OFAC Director A. Gacki; Interview Concerning Cryptocurrency Industry Compliance (Excerpts) and Askan Holdings Ltd. v. Office of Foreign Assets Control et al (D.D.C. 2020) - Second OFAC Director's Declaration.

Jan. 16, 2021

Added the Hong Kong-Related Sanctions Regulations, Imposing Sanctions Related to the IRISL and Iranian Shipping Entities (State Dep't designation), United States v. Griffith (1:20-cr-00015) (2021) (Dkt. 1), DOJ/OFAC Correspondence, Crystallex International Corporation v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1:17-mc-00151-LPS, Dkt. 234) (D. Del) (2021), Increasing Iran Metals Sanctions Targeting Iran’s Nuclear, Military, and Ballistic Missile Programs and the IRGC (IFCA Sec. 1245 Guidance). and Deferred Prosecution Agreement - PT Bukit Muria Jaya.

Jan. 15, 2021

Added Executive Order on Amending Executive Order 13959 (Chinese Military Companies), Executive Order 13959 - General License No. 2 (Chinese Military Companies), FAQ # 871, FAQ # 872, FAQ # 873, FAQ # 874, Consolidated Comment on the CCMC EO. Added Civil Enforcement Information - PT Bukit Muria Jaya.

Jan. 7, 2021

Added FAQ # 863, FAQ # 864, FAQ # 865 and Executive Order 13959 - General License No. 1 (Chinese Military Companies). Amended comments to Executive Order on Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies.

Jan. 5, 2021

Added Civil Enforcement Information - Union de Banques Arabes et Françaises and FAQ # 862, amended Venezuela General License 31 and FAQ # 679. Added FAQ # 869 and FAQ # 870, amended FAQ # 545 and FAQ # 546. Added Notable "Derivative" Designations - Treasury Sanctions Key Actors in Iran’s Steel Sector.

Jan. 1, 2021

Added Sec. 1241 of the FY 2021 NDAA (Turkey-Related CAATSA Sec. 231 Determination) and Sec. 1242 of the FY 2021 NDAA (Amending the "Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019”).