Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian-Related Assistance and Critical Commodities to the Yemeni People - Q # 10

Date issued: Feb. 16 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (254 words)


1) Read in conjunction with Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian-Related Assistance and Critical Commodities to the Yemeni People - Q # 3, and query whether this guidance applies in an across-the-board fashion to entities headed or controlled by blocked persons (i.e. are these the sort of “routine interactions” contemplated in FAQ # 993 and FAQ # 1145?) Here, OFAC is effectively saying that Ansarallah, as a blocked entity that controls a governing institution, does not have an "interest" in a transaction involving payment to an employee of the institution " so long as the recipient themselves is not a blocked person". This is a relatively narrow conception of “interest” vis-à-vis, e.g., FAQ # 1145 (“receiving an invoice bearing the blocked individual’s signature for a commercial transaction, would be prohibited by the [blocking prohibition] unless authorized by OFAC or exempt.)”...