OFAC FAQ (Current) # 434 - Iran Sanctions (PDF contains all versions)

Date issued: May. 16 2024

Last substantive commentary amendment:
May. 17 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (418 words)


* FAQ amended on 5-16-24 in connection with OFAC’s incorporation of Iran GL D-2 into the ITSR at section 560.540. Changes to the FAQ included certain non-substantive conforming amendments, along with language specifying that 560.540(a)(3) authorizes the exportation of apps to Iran “to the extent not authorized under 31 CFR § 560.540(a)(1) or (2) or exempt”. This serves as a recognition that many apps may be exempt from regulation altogether, i.e. as “software not subject to the EAR because it is described in 15 CFR 734.3(b)(3)”. Refer to section 0.0(c) of the comments to 560.540 and Notes Common to the "Information or informational materials" Definitional Provision.

* On 9-23-22, OFAC replaced Iran GL D-1 with Iran GL D-2, initially without making amendments to this FAQ. See Iran GL D-2, and comments thereto, for a discussion on the changes...