OFAC FAQ (Current) # 1051 - Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions

Date issued: Jun. 06 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (129 words)


1) This FAQ appears to apply the new definition of "new investment" at FAQ # 1049. "[T]he commitment of capital or other assets for the purpose of generating returns or appreciation".

An ordinary purchase of goods may well be done for the "purpose of generating returns or appreciation" with respect to a business in general, but for "new investment" purposes, it appears as though the "returns or appreciation" must be generated by the actual thing that the contributor of capital or other assets gets in return for such assets.

2) What happens if a payment is not "made within the contracted time period"? Under what circumstances would this mean that a purchase of goods is "new investment"?

* Refer generally to General Note on the Russia-related “New Investment” Prohibitions.