Enforcement Release - Sojitz (Hong Kong) Limited

Date issued: Jan. 11 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (365 words)


From a legal basis standpoint, the facts of this case are usual, but not wholly unprecedented. Compare Civil Enforcement Information - PT Bukit Muria Jaya (non-U.S. person manufacturer routed payments through the U.S. in connection with exports to North Korea, thereby “causing” the U.S. person banks to “facilitate” the underlying exports to North Korea from a third country). Here the facts are similar, except the non-U.S. person “caused” the U.S. banks to “facilitate” the dealing in Iranian-origin goods that would be prohibited if engaged in directly by a U.S. person (560.206/560.208).

It is notable that OFAC did not charge a violation of 560.204, which would normally appear in the context of a non-U.S. person “causing” the exportation of “financial services” to Iran. Evidently, there was no actual Iranian person involved in the transactions (e.g. the manufacturer...