OFAC FAQ (Current) # 1173 - Compliance for Internet, Web Based Activities, and Personal Communications

Date issued: May. 16 2024

Last substantive commentary amendment:
May. 17 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (100 words)


1) This FAQ was issued in conjunction with the 5-16-24 incorporation of GL D-2 into the ITSR at 560.540. This is new interpretive guidance that controls the scope of “user authentication services” as a category of service covered by the GL, as that language appears in 560.540 and its GL D-2 predecessor. Note that there are also explicit authorizations for “user authentication services” in 515.578 and GTSR General License 23, where this guidance should be relevant, plus all other “communications” GLs (e.g. Venezuela GL 25) where it is likely that user authentication services are covered.