1068. For the purposes of the determination made pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14071 on May 8, 2022, “Prohibitions Related to Certain Accounting, Trust and Corporate Formation, and Management Consulting Services” (“the determination”), do accounting services include tax preparation and filing?
Yes. U.S. persons, wherever located, are prohibited from exporting, reexporting, selling, or supplying, directly or indirectly, accounting services, which would include tax preparation and filing services, to any person located in the Russian Federation, unless otherwise exempt or authorized by OFAC. Please see FAQ 1059 for more information. Please note the determination excludes the provision by a U.S. person of any service to an entity located in the Russian Federation that is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a United States person, and any service in connection with the wind down or divestiture of an entity located in the Russian Federation that is not owned...
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1) Read in conjunction with FAQ # 1058, this FAQ would make it illegal to assist Russian students and short-term workers in the U.S. with their tax preparation, but see Russia-related General License 44.
2) See section IV(a) of General Note on E.O. 14071-Based Prohibitions on the Exportation of Certain Services to Persons Located in Russia (System Ed. Note) for comments on the FAQ in the context of the relevant prohibitions in general.
3) FAQ amended on 6-12-24 to remove the reference to FAQ 1067, which was removed from OFAC’s website in light of the issuance of the 6-12-24 Tech Services Determination (which directly prohibits the provision of certain software to Russia).