Case No. IA-2016-330121-1

Date issued: Oct. 03 2016

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1601 words)


1) Background

The litigation to which this guidance letter relates (see PDF file) involves an Iranian entity plaintiff suing a U.S. person in a U.S. court over the U.S. person’s alleged failure to return money to the Iranian plaintiff that was connected to the underlying transaction that was in violation of the ITSR. Indeed, the suit was filed only after the natural person Iranian owner of the plaintiff Iranian entity was imprisoned for a violation of the ITSR connected to the transaction at issue in the civil case (see Government's sentencing memorandum at p. 22 et seq. of the native PDF file). Specifically, the suit seeks restitution of a $390,000 "advance payment" made by plaintiffs to the U.S. person defendant company, which defendants evidently did not deny receiving and refusing to return.