Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2022-954785-1 (Email Correspondence) [Application Included]

Date issued: Jul. 29 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (275 words)


1) After rejecting the Casa Express' request for a license to execute against property of Raul Gorrin to satisfy a judgment against the Government of Venezuela (Case No. VENEZUELA-EO13850-2021-874564-1 ), Casa Express (the applicant here) requested a license "for the limited purpose of obtaining a specific license that would authorize it to litigate its post-judgment collection theory" (that Gorrin's property was actually property of the Government of Venezuela through the state law-derived "constructive trust" theory).

2) The licensing officer's response was that Casa Express Corp "is not blocked person" pursuant to the Venezuela Sanctions Regulations, and [] the proposed activities are not prohibited by Venezuela Sanctions Regulations," so the "litigation would not appear to require a license from OFAC." While not delivered in the form of an official guidance letter, this determination is notable as it implicitly distinguishes between cases...