OFAC FAQ (Current) # 1110 - Iran Sanctions (PDF contains all versions)

Date issued: May. 16 2024

Last substantive commentary amendment:
May. 17 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (227 words)


* FAQ amended on 5-16-24 in connection with OFAC’s incorporation of Iran GL D-2 into the ITSR at section 560.540. FAQ introduces changes to GL D-2 after its incorporation into 560.540, as described at section 0.0 of the comments section to 560.540. FAQ specifies that the new authorization at 560.540(a)(7) (services conducted outside Iran to install, repair, or replace hardware or software authorized for exportation, reexportation, or provision to Iran) does “authorize the service provider to engage in such services while in Iran.”

---Below comments not amended as a result of the 5-16-24 amendments---

1) This FAQ, which was issued concurrently with the amendment of all other FAQs that had previously referenced Iran GL D-1, essentially conveys that which OFAC already conveyed in the Iran GL D-2-Related Press Statements/Briefings released along with GL D-2. See comments thereto. Of...