31 CFR § 589.413 - Significant transaction(s); significant financial transaction(s).

Date issued: May. 02 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (138 words)


1) This interpretive provision implements the substance of FAQ # 542 and FAQ # 545, except that it consolidates the SSIDES and UFSA "significant transaction" criteria into a single provision. There are no substantive changes vis-à-vis the pre-existing substance of FAQs 542 and 545.

2) With respect to subsection (e) "The impact of the transaction(s) on the objectives of UFSA, SSIDES, CAATSA, E.O. 13660, E.O. 13661, E.O. 13662, E.O. 13685, or any other Executive order issued pursuant to the national emergency declared in E.O. 13660," note that for UFSA, the sanctions apply with respect to "any other Executive order issued pursuant...