31 CFR § 515.570 - Remittances.

Date issued: Jun. 09 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (983 words)


*This provision was substantially amended in Sept. 2019. The FR Notice introducing the changes described them as follows:

Remittances In accordance with the April 2019 Address, OFAC is amending several authorizations related to remittances set forth in §515.570. OFAC is amending §515.570(a), which authorizes family remittances, to place a cap of $1,000 as the maximum amount that one remitter can send per quarter to one Cuban national as a family remittance. Section 515.570(a) provides that the recipient of family remittances may not be a prohibited official of the Government of Cuba, as defined in §515.337, or a prohibited member of the Cuban Communist Party, as defined in §515.338. OFAC is now amending §515.570(a) to prohibit remitters from sending remittances to close family members, as defined in §515.339, of prohibited officials of the Government of Cuba or prohibited members of the Cuban Communist Party....