31 CFR § 515.340 Self-employed individual.

Date issued: May. 29 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (256 words)


1) This provision was initially added to the CACR in Sept. 2019 as a definition for “Self-employed individual,” for the purposes of administering the amended 515.570 (Remittances). 515.570(g)(3) was amended to allow for certain remittances for to support "the development of private businesses, and operation of economic activity in the non-state sector by self-employed individuals, as defined in §515.340," whereas previously the provision only referred to "the development of private businesses, including small farms." The amended definition served to restrict the scope of 515.570(g), which appears as a closed list.

On 5-29-24, OFAC amended this provision so that the range of persons eligible for 515.570(g) is expanded to include entities, i.e. any “private cooperative or small private business entity located in Cuba of up to 100 employees that is owned only by individuals described in...