OFAC FAQ (Current) # 675 - Issuance of CBW Act-related Executive Order; Publication of CBW Act Directive (PDF contains all versions)

Date issued: Mar. 02 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (152 words)


*[2-24-22 update - amendments made to the FAQ address the Russian Harmful Foreign Activities (Russia) sanctions program (Directives 1 and 3); changed "bonds and loans related to certain Government of the Russian Federation" to "bonds issued by and loans related to certain Government of the Russian Federation". "Issued by" may have been put there to ensure that derivatives are not included within the scope of EO 14024 Directive 1]

*[3-2-22 update - FAQ amended to account for the issuance of Directive 4 Under EO 14024.]

1) See Consolidated Comment on the Russia-related Lending Directives and comments to Executive Order 13883 - on the Administration of Proliferation Sanctions and Amendment of Executive Order 12851. This FAQ is of no interpretive value.

2) Originally dated 08-03-2019; amended on...