31 CFR § 501.805 Rules governing availability of information (With Version Proposed in 5-8-24 Interim Final Rule)

Date issued: May. 08 2024

TURBOFAC Commentary (112 words)

Update – on 5-8-24, OFAC published an “Interim final rule” announcing amendments to this RPPR provision and others, to be effective 90 days after its 5-10-24 publication in the FR. The left side of the screen includes the revised provision and the pre-existing provision. See the back of the PDF file for the Interim final rule and a redline comparing the revised and pre-existing versions.

The differences between the revised and pre-existing versions are limited to non-substantive technical changes.

Note that the comments below have not yet been amended to reflect the issuance of the 5-8-24 Interim final rule.



No substantive comment.