31 CFR § 589.209 - Prohibitions or strict conditions with respect to correspondent or payable-through accounts of foreign financial institutions that have knowingly facilitated certain significant transactions.

Date issued: May. 02 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (395 words)


1) This is a standard "CAPTA sanctions" regulatory provision, with distinctions from analogous provisions in other sanctions programs discussed below. For discussion concerning the relationship between these sanctions and other sanctions permitting for the full blocking of persons engaged conduct that may or may not be of a sort that can trigger these sanctions as well, refer to General Note on Provisions Containing Secondary/"CAPTA" Sanctions Applicable to Foreign Financial Institutions (System Ed. Note).

2) Notes specific to 589.209.

3) Paragraph (b) incorporates the less-than-blocking CAPTA authorities found at section 4 of UFSA and Paragraph (c) does likewise with respect to section 5 of UFSA. Neither of these provisions do anything other than implement, on a word-for-word basis, the relevant provisions of the Ukraine Freedom...