Case No. IA-2015-316752-1

Date issued: Apr. 25 2016

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1038 words)


1) This guidance letter provides notable guidance concerning (i) the scope of 560.505 of the ITSR as it relates to technology releases, (ii) the scope of 560.505 of the ITSR as it relates to the hiring of Iranians, (iii) the scope of 560.505 as it relates to persons associated with the Government of Iran, and (iv) the scope of Iran GL G.

First, note that this letter relates to an individual "employed by the University of Tehran," who is presumed to be "ordinarily resident" in Iran at the time the letter issued and who is presumed to retain that status while living in the U.S. (at least for some period of time). See generally General Note on the "Ordinarily Resident"...