31 CFR § 589.510 - Official business of the United States Government.

Date issued: May. 02 2022

TURBOFAC Commentary (124 words)


1) This is an ordinary "Official business of the United States Government" GL. Compare e.g. Venezuela General License 14 - Official Business of the United States Government. The GL was added to the URSR on 5-2-22. While the Crimea embargo EO contains an official business exemption (implemented at 589.214), other URSR authorities (e.g. EO 13660, EO 13661 and EO 13662) do not, so this authorization is new as it relates to transactions otherwise prohibited by those EOs.

For detailed commentary on the scope and operation of the “official business” exemptions and GLs, see General Note on Exemptions and General Licenses for the “Official Business” of the U.S. Government (and/or United Nations) and Employees, Contractors, or Grantees Thereof.