U.S. Continues to Degrade Russia’s Military-Industrial Base and Target Third-Country Support with Nearly 300 New Sanctions (Press Release)

Date issued: May. 01 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (681 words)

Notes Common to 5-1-24 Russia-Related Designations

1) On 5-1-24, OFAC and the State Department designated roughly 300 persons. Many of them were third-country entities designated for “operating in” various sectors of the Russian economy, in particular the sectors defined as comprising Russia’s “defense industrial base”. These designations are described in U.S. Continues to Degrade Russia’s Military-Industrial Base and Target Third-Country Support with Nearly 300 New Sanctions (Press Release) and Imposing New Measures on Russia for its Full-Scale War and Use of Chemical Weapons Against Ukraine (Press Release).

2) While the designations of third-country entities are numerous, none appear to fall within the scope of a “de facto secondary sanctions” for purposes of the criteria set out in Introductory Note Common to all Derivative Designation Notices ("De Facto" Secondary Sanctions) Included in the Research System (System Ed. Note). More specifically, we...