ENF 51231 (1) (Notable Notification of Third Party Blocking)

Date issued: Apr. 06 2018

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TURBOFAC Commentary (167 words)

Consolidated comment on ENF 51231 (1), ENF 51231 (2), ENF 51231 (3) and ENF 51231 (4) (Notable Notifications of Third Party Blocking)

1) ENF 51231 (1), ENF 51231 (2), ENF 51231 (3) and ENF 51231 (4) are notifications of third-party blocking issued in connection with the 04/06/2018 blocking of Oleg Derpiaska. (2), (3) and (4) related to a house in Washington DC owned by a company indirectly owned by Deripaska, and (1) is a notice issued to the company itself (Gracetown, Inc.). Of note, when Deripaska was ultimately indicted for sanctions violations in 2022 (see https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/press-release/file/1539071/download), the DOJ cited violations directly related to the post-sanctions transfer of funds to Gracetown, Inc. and the upkeep of the blocked properties the subject of (2), (3) and (4). Ditto the indictment for the frontman maintaining properties...