907. For the purposes of Iran General License (GL) N-1, what are goods or technology for use in connection with the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)? What transactions and activities related to the export or reexport of these items are authorized?
For the purposes of Iran GL N-1, covered COVID-19-related goods or technology include, for example: medical gowns; medical eye shields and goggles; surgical gloves; face shields; respirators and masks such as N95, N99, and N100 masks; personal hygiene products such as soap and hand sanitizer and other water, sanitation, and hygiene supplies such as: water purification supplies and hygiene promotion materials; vaccines and vaccine ingredients or components required for the production of vaccines; equipment, supplies, and containers for transporting, storing, and administering vaccines; COVID-19 testing kits and equipment, and software and technology for processing such kits; equipment, software, and technology for...
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*FAQ amended on 6-10-22 and 6-14-23 to account for the extension of the GL(s).
1) Refer generally to comments to Iran General License N.