General License 20 - Authorizing Transactions Involving Afghanistan or Governing Institutions in Afghanistan

Date issued: Feb. 25 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (206 words)


1) Refer to the following FAQs, and comments thereto, that explain and interpret this GL: FAQ # 991, FAQ # 992, FAQ # 993, FAQ # 994, FAQ # 995, FAQ # 996 and FAQ # 997. This GL is extremely broad, and renders obsolete all or virtually all of the Afghanistan-related GLs that preceded it.

2) See State Department announcement at

The United States took action today to facilitate a broad range of commercial activity in Afghanistan that will benefit the Afghan people.

General License 20 and related updated FAQs and new FAQs clarify that financial institutions, nongovernmental organizations, international organizations, and private sector companies can engage in wide-ranging transactions and activities in Afghanistan while complying with U.S. sanctions. The affected sectors include personal and commercial banking, infrastructure...