LICENSE No. IA-2013-299855-5
(Issued under the authority of one or more of 22 U.S.C. §§ 2349aa-9, 8501-51, 8701-85, 50 U.S.C. §§ 1601-51, 1701-06, Executive Orders 12170, 12957, 12958, 13059, 13599, and 13844, and 31 C.F.R. Parts 501 and 560.)
To: Office of Foreign Missions
United States Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
ATTN: Mr. Matthew Sandelands
1. Based upon the request dated September 27, 2019, to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (the Application”), the transactions described herein are hereby authorized. This License replaces License No. IA-2013-299855-4 in all respects.
2. This License is subject to the condition, among others, that the Licensee(s) comply with its terms and with all regulations, rulings, orders, and instructions issued...
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1) As of the date on which this document was added to the Research System, this is the only license that licenses against the IACR (31 CFR Part 535). Refer generally to the Statement of Interest in the native PDF file for more information about the property to which this license relates; it appears as though a version of the license has existed for at least the last 25 years, and probably since 1980.
2) Compare Case No. IA-14404, and query why the State Department needs authorization to engage in the transactions described in this license, but not to issue visas to individuals ordinarily resident in Iran.