OFAC FAQ (Current) # 1047 - Chinese Military Companies Sanctions

Date issued: Jun. 01 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (121 words)


1) This FAQ provides important guidance concerning the notion of a "purchase" of a prohibited security. OFAC confirms that "purchases of CMIC securities effected through dividend reinvestments constitute purchases that are prohibited pursuant to E.O. 13959, as amended." The rest of the FAQ merely confirms what was already evident, i.e. that activities related to CMIC securities are not prohibited provided that they are not the purchase or sale of covered securities (or the facilitation of the purchase or sale). The prohibition covers "purchase or sale," rather than, e.g., all "dealings in" prohibited securities. It is not clear whether OFAC would authorize divestments through specific licenses as a matter of course. One would expect a favorable licensing policy in that regard.