OFAC FAQ (Current) FAQ # 769 - Cuba-related: Trade/Business

Date issued: May. 28 2024

Last substantive commentary amendment:
May. 30 2024

TURBOFAC Commentary (170 words)


1) FAQ is a general restatement of segments of 515.560, 515.569, 515.585, 515.578 and 515.544. Refer to those provisions, comments thereto.

2) See https://www.cbp.gov/trade/basic-import-export/cbp-public-notice-process-imports-cuba (Jan, 2019) on "personal use" limits.

3) FAQ amended on 9-23-2020 to account for the removal of “Cuban-origin alcohol or tobacco products” from the scope of 515.569 and to specify that "Cuban nationals who are present in the United States in a non-immigrant status or pursuant to other non-immigrant travel authorization issued by the U.S. government are no longer authorized to bring Cuban-origin alcohol or tobacco products for personal use as accompanied baggage."

4) FAQ amended on 5-28-24 to:

(i) specify that the "$100 limit on imports of gifts, as set forth in 31 CFR § 515.560, 31 CFR § 515.544, does not apply to imports of accompanied baggage or goods produced by independent private sector entrepreneurs as authorized under 31 CFR § 515.582."

(ii) make other conforming edits.