31 CFR § 589.201 - Prohibited transactions.

Date issued: May. 02 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (850 words)



The version of this provision in force from 2014 up through 05-02-2022 was a standard “Prohibited transactions” provision appearing in a set of “abbreviated” regulations. Previously, it prohibited all transactions prohibited by EO 13660, EO 13661, and EO 13662, the latter of which included SSI Directive 1, SSI Directive 2, SSI Directive 3 and SSI Directive 4.

As explained in the preamble to the FR notice that introduces the amended URSR (see PDF), the URSR was amended on 05-02-2022 so that this provision would, among other things, (i) incorporate EO 13685 (the Crimea embargo), (ii) incorporate the prohibition on dealings involving persons blocked pursuant to the