Case No. BU-2013-301644-1

Date issued: Dec. 16 2013

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1055 words)


1) Background; the Then-applicable Law

The guidance was requested while the Burmese Sanctions Regulations (31 CFR part 537) (BSR) were still in effect. The BSR were, as of the time of the issuance of the guidance letter, relatively complex, with a broad-based prohibitions on the exportation of imports of articles from Burma and exportation of financial services to Burma, both of which were tempered by a complex general licensing scheme ( Of note, the "term exportation or reexportation of financial services to Burma [was] defined in 537.305 of the Regulations [] to mean any activity with a monetary aspect, including, but not limited to, banking services, insurance services, and brokering services." (70 FR 48239, emphasis added). There was no broad...