OFAC FAQ (Current) # 973 - Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions

Date issued: Dec. 22 2023

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TURBOFAC Commentary (299 words)


1) This FAQ contains two statements of cross-programmatic note. One is that, in the context of what appears to be an otherwise ordinary wind-down GL applicable to blocked financial institutions, “withdrawing funds and securities, canceling letters of credit, and amending or canceling performance guarantees” are included within the scope of the GL.

2) With respect to the statement that “obligations under this directive apply to U.S. financial institutions only,” the implication appears to be that a U.S. person can enlist “foreign financial institutions” to process transactions involving CAPTA-listed entities that would be prohibited for “U.S. financial institutions”.

In the 2017 Compliance Services Guidance, OFAC says that “U.S. persons, wherever located, may not otherwise approve, finance, facilitate, or guarantee any transaction by a foreign person, including...