Sanctions Compliance Guidance for the Virtual Currency Industry

Date issued: Oct. 16 2021

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1307 words)



This document is the first item to be filed to OFACs’ “OFAC Information for Industry Groups” page since 2017. Such “industry group” brochures are ordinarily meant to serve the function of making industry actors aware of the most important aspects of OFAC’s already-public guidance, without adding much in the way of novel statements that bear on the scope and operation of OFAC’s sanctions provisions. The brochures do, however, serve to signal OFAC’s due diligence expectations as they relate to transaction types common for a given industry, and that sense may be referred to in determinations of whether a given person knew or had a “reason to know” about the facts and circumstances underlying a potential violation. see generally General Note on the Terms "Knowingly," "Should Have Known" And "Reason to Know" In the Primary Sanctions,...