Executive Order on the Termination of Emergency With Respect to the International Criminal Court

Date issued: Apr. 01 2021

TURBOFAC Commentary (152 words)


1) The revocation of EO 13928 removes the legal authority for the International Criminal Court-Related Sanctions Regulations. OFAC typically takes some time to remove regulations from the CFR when the underlying authority for them has been revoked, but the regulations and related blocking prohibitions and designation criteria are, as of 4/1/2021, effectively disabled. Compare FAC No. IQ-214841.

2) On 1-20-25, this EO was revoked by Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions (Executive Order Jan. 20, 2025). Accordingly, it appears as though EO 13928 is once again an active sanctions authority by operation of law, though the ICC regulations that were removed from the CFR are presumably no longer effective, nor are the designations that were made pursuant to the authority prior to the issuance of the "Initial Rescissions" EO. See also Imposing Sanctions on the International Criminal Court (Executive Order, Feb. 7, 2025).