OFAC FAQ (Current) # 1166 - Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions (PDF contains prior versions)

Date issued: Aug. 23 2024

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Aug. 24 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (183 words)


1) See Determinations pursuant to Sections 1(a)(i)(A) and 1(a)(i)(D) of Executive Order 14068 (Effective March 1, 2024) - Prohibitions Related to Imports of Diamond Jewelry and Unsorted Diamonds of Russian Federation Origin and Diamond Jewelry and Unsorted Diamonds Exported From the Russian Federation, and comments thereto. The original version of the FAQ was notable for (i) noting that CBP has “information on certification and traceability of diamonds” that can aid with compliance, and (ii) the example of a prohibited “importation into the United States of a diamond bracelet that has been manufactured in the Russian Federation, regardless of where the diamonds originated.” This still does not address the situation, described in comment 4 to the determination, of how one could determine whether a given item had ever “transited through” Russia (even if no portion of it was manufactured in Russia).