1160. What changes did the February 15, 2024 regulatory amendment to the North Korea Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR part 510 (NKSR), make?
On February 15, 2024, OFAC, in consultation with the Department of State, amended the NKSR to modify an existing general license (GL) and add three new GLs to facilitate humanitarian-related and other activities in North Korea. These changes include:
• Additional non-governmental organization (NGO) activities
OFAC amended the GL at § 510.512 to authorize NGOs to engage in a broader range of humanitarian-related activities involving North Korea, including certain educational activities and activities to support disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs and peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and conflict resolution programs. The general license at § 510.512 allows transactions that are ordinarily incident and necessary to such NGO activities involving certain Government of North Korea entities, including limited partnerships, subject to certain conditions and...
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1) See comments to 510.512, 510.520, 510.521,510.522. This FAQ introduces the 2-15-24 regulatory amendments pertaining to those four GLs without providing meaningful interpretive guidance concerning the scope or operation of the new or amended GLs.