ENF 50908
Jorjik Nazariyan
Number 1 Electric, Inc.
2741 E. Glenoaks Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91206
Dear Mr. Nazariyan:
[JUL 02, 2018]
The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is in receipt of your correspondence dated February 8, 2018, April 5, 2018, June 4, 2018, and June 28, 2018 on behalf of Number 1 Electric, Inc. ("NlE") Thank you for the information you provided.
This letter serves as notice that OFAC has completed its review of N1E's exportation of used compressor, refrigerator, and air conditioner parts to the United Arab Emirates that ultimately were destined for Iran.
OFAC administers and enforces a comprehensive trade embargo against Iran as set forth in the Iranian Transactions and Sanctions...
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1) This cautionary letter (p. 42, native PDF) is notable in part for the nature of the transactions that resulted in the letter. See the native PDF file for further details. The individual owner of the entity to which the cautionary letter was issued appeared to engage in numerous (and relatively flagrant) violations of the ITSR, and volunteered to put them on the public record in the context of a civil litigation for breach of oral contract (p. 10, native PDF). Neither the plaintiff nor his lawyer were evidently aware of the fact that transshipments of goods to Iran through the UAE was illegal.
Compare An Unnamed Individual (18). The two cases have quite a bit in common (U.S. person Iranians engaging in ITSR violations in connection with commercial...