Case No. VENEZUELA-2018-358620-1

Date issued: May. 06 2020

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TURBOFAC Commentary (664 words)


1) This guidance letter appears to provide crucial guidance concerning the scope of the standard “new debt” prohibition, as well as the scope of the blocking prohibition. The letter involves a Swiss subsidiary of a U.S. person requesting guidance allowing U.S. persons to be involved in certain dealings in a debt of an entity (or entities) in Venezuela that had “dealt predominantly with PDVSA in the past.” This “predominant” past dealing is why the applicant sought a license “out of an abundance of caution”. (Note that the Venezuelan entity at issue here may be Venequip, S.A., an entity that had “distributed, sold, and serviced Caterpillar equipment in Venezuela” exclusively for two decades prior to 2019 (see

2) In concluding that “the proposed activities would not trigger the [new debt-related] prohibitions of E.O. 13808,” while noting that “U.S....