1062. Do the prohibitions imposed by the determinations made pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14071 on May 8, 2022, “Prohibitions Related to Certain Accounting, Trust and Corporate Formation, and Management Consulting Services,” on September 15, 2022, “Prohibitions Related to Certain Quantum Computing Services,” and on May 19, 2023, “Prohibitions Related to Architecture and Engineering Services,” apply to services provided to a parent company located in the Russian Federation by a U.S. subsidiary?
Yes. The prohibitions apply to services provided to a company located in the Russian Federation (the “Russian company”) by any U.S. person, including the Russian company’s U.S. subsidiary.
Date Updated: May 19, 2023
Date Released
June 9, 2022
1062. Do the prohibitions imposed by the determinations made pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14071 on May 8, 2022, “Prohibitions Related to Certain Accounting, Trust and Corporate Formation, and Management...
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1.1) See sections III and IV of General Note on E.O. 14071-Based Prohibitions on the Exportation of Certain Services to Persons Located in Russia (System Ed. Note) for comments on the FAQ in the context of the relevant prohibitions in general.
1.2) Query: how it is possible to be U.S. subsidiary of a Russian entity without providing any of the services described in FAQ # 1034? OFAC would presumably not consider all services provided to a U.S. subsidiary (e.g. accounting, tax) to be indirectly exported to Russia. For U.S. branches of Russian entities, however, it may be difficult to distinguish between the U.S.-sited operation and the actual Russian headquarters, and it is difficult to see how any U.S. branch of a Russian entity could survive without any of the services covered by the EO 14071 May 8 service ban....