Case No. CU-2016-325292-1

Date issued: Mar. 23 2017

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TURBOFAC Commentary (562 words)


1) The applicant requests authorization to provide a non-sanctioned non-U.S. person (“CLAM”) with a grant “to enable [that person] to organize a cultural exchange between Brazil and Cuba focused on LGBT issues and conduct human rights research concerning LGBT issues in Cuba and Brazil,” where the activities would be conducted “in coordination with the Cuban government-funded National Center for Sex Education [“CENESEX”], an organization that advocates tolerance of LGBT issues in Cuba.”

OFAC, citing 515.590(a) and (b) as the basis for its conclusion, evidently determines as a threshold issue that the Cuban National CENESEX would have an “interest” in the grant, where it is specifically earmarked for a sanctions-implicating transaction. This is an unsurprising “indirect financing” determination, but notable nonetheless given how unusual they are. (See generally General Note on “Indirect Financing,” or Investments in Third Country Companies that do...