Case No. IA-14774

Date issued: Feb. 20 2013

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TURBOFAC Commentary (117 words)


1) Compare Case No. IA-2017-348861-1, a better, more recent version of this type of guidance letter. Query: when OFAC says “some of which incorporate more than ten percent U.S.-origin content,” is it assumed that such “U.S.-origin content” is necessarily “U.S.-controlled content,” i.e. content that is listed on the CCL? If not, it would be difficult to square this letter with JCPOA Implementation FAQ K-13 (“the exportation or reexportation of U.S.-origin goods that are designated as EAR99 from a third country to Iran without knowledge or reason to know at the time of export from the United States that the goods are intended specifically for Iran is not prohibited”).