OFAC FAQ (Removed) # 881 - Chinese Military Companies Sanctions

Date issued: Mar. 14 2021

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TURBOFAC Commentary (720 words)

UPDATE: on June 3, 2021, the President issued EO 14032, thereby significantly altering the nature of the sanctions related to Chinese military company securities. This FAQ was removed on June 3, 2021 in light of the changes to the Chinese military company sanctions regime made by EO 14032. Unless specified otherwise, the notes below read as they did on June 3, 2021.

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[5-6-2021 UPDATE - This FAQ was removed concurrent with the posting of FAQ # 883. FAQ #883 acknowledges a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the EO 13959 prohibitions as they apply to Luokung. The FAQ does, nevertheless, retian some interpretive value]

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Consolidated Comment on FAQ # 881, Letter From Bradley T. Smith In...