Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian-Related Assistance and Critical Commodities to the Yemeni People - Q # 3

Date issued: Feb. 16 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (370 words)


1) This guidance serves as a compliment to the various other statements that concern the implications of designated persons heading institutions. See FAQ # 840, FAQ # 993, FAQ # 1145 and Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to the Palestinian People. In FAQ # 993, the question is "[w]hat if a governing institution in Afghanistan is led by an individual who appears on the [SDN List]," and the answer is "[g]enerally speaking, when a designated individual has a leadership role in a governing institution, the governing institution itself is not considered blocked. Accordingly, engaging in a routine interaction with an agency in which a blocked individual is an official, but that does not involve the blocked individual in question, is not prohibited."

This guidance is a bit different, since it deals with a situation in which the...