OFAC FAQ (Current) # 897

Date issued: Jun. 02 2021

TURBOFAC Commentary (125 words)


1) This FAQ was issued, with no email alert or reference on the OFAC "Recent Actions" page, a day before the issuance of the EO that established the Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List (NS-CMIC List). It is fairly obvious that the message is that the 501.807 procedures are to be used by NS-CMIC-listed persons, notwithstanding that 501.807 refers to blocked persons. The FAQ was issued as a general statement concerning 501.807, rather than an FAQ issued in conjunction with the CMIC program, because it presumably applies to all other persons listed on “non-SDN” lists. That could include persons on the Russia-related Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List and the Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions List (NS-MBS List).