OFAC FAQ (Current) # 1152 - Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions

Date issued: Jun. 12 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (124 words)


1) This clarifies, to the extent there was any doubt, that sanctionable activity need not involve USD payments (indeed, the primary purpose of secondary sanctions is to target conduct over which OFAC does not have primary sanctions jurisdiction). The FAQ was amended on 6-12-24 to specify that a “a significant transaction denominated in a non-USD local currency for a person blocked pursuant to E.O. 14024” is sanctionable, not just a transaction “ on behalf of a customer that exports critical items”. See comments to EO 14114 for further discussion, and note that the two examples of sanctionable conduct referenced here entail FFIs processing transactions “for” or “on behalf of” a sanctions-implicating person (rather than just one “involving” one such person).