31 CFR § 515.542 - Mail and telecommunications-related transactions.

Date issued: Jun. 09 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (366 words)


1) The term "item," as used in subsection (i), would presumably correspond with the scope of that term as it is defined in the EAR (Item. "Item" means "commodities, software, and technology." When the EAR intend to refer specifically to commodities, software, or technology, the text will use the specific reference). EAR, Part 772.1.

2) In light of subsection (h), subsection (b) appears to permit the activity found to fall outside of the pre-1994 version of the Berman Amendment in Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. v. Brady, 740 F. Supp. 1007 (S.D.N.Y. 1990).

3) Part of this GL was mandated in large part by the CDA (re: telecommunications services and facilities, payments therefor).

4) Provision amended on 9-24-2020 to delete the reference to the...