Counter Terrorism General License 23A - Authorizing Transactions Related to Telecommunications, Mail, and Certain Internet-Based Communications Involving Ansarallah (March 05, 2025)

Date issued: Mar. 05 2025

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TURBOFAC Commentary (1031 words)


[Update - on March 4, 2025, the State Department (re)designated Ansarallah as a FTO (see FAQ # 1219), causing OFAC to reissue this GL and others to add an authorization for transactions otherwise prohibited by the FTOSR. The GL was amended so that "transmission of telecommunications to, from, or in Yemen are authorized" is now just "transmission of telecommunications within Yemen are authorized," making it the only telecommunications GL that is limited in this fashion. In FAQ 1218 OFAC describes the change such that it "transactions within Yemen for the receipt or transmission of telecommunications involving Ansarallah" is now what is authorized. The internet services GL is not so limited. The GL was also amended to specify that "voice over internet protocol (VOIP)" is one of the types...