31 CFR § 515.572 - Provision of travel, carrier, other transportation-related, and remittance forwarding services.

Date issued: Jun. 09 2022

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TURBOFAC Commentary (739 words)


1) As clarified in Guidance Regarding Travel Between the United States And Cuba (2016), the "Note" to 515.572 is designed to narrow the scope of the carrier services GL vis-a-vis the travel services GL, especially as it relates to travel by third-country persons.

The complicated relationship between this provision, TSRA, and services in connection with travel by persons whose underlying travel is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, but is described by one of the Cuba travel GLs, is discussed in detail at General Note on the Provision of Services Related to Travel by non-U.S. Persons to Cuba (System Ed. Note), and General Note on the TSRA as it relates to the CACR (System Ed. Note).

The "Travel...