LICENSE No. CU-2023-1112805-1 [Application Included]

Date issued: Sep. 25 2023

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Nov. 29 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (367 words)


1) See License No. CU-78926-a, Case No. CU-78926-b, License No. CU-78926-b, and comments thereto. This is a more modern version of that 2010 license, which appears to have been issued because 515.527 of the CACR authorizes transactions “related to the registration and renewal in the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the United States Copyright Office of patents, trademarks, and copyrights in which the Government of Cuba or a Cuban national has an interest,” but “related to the registration and renewal” doesn’t necessarily cover transactions related to cancellation proceedings.

This license, unlike the older version, is notably cast as a “to the extent authorization is required” license, signaling some degree of doubt that at least part of what is authorized requires no authorization. It is possible that the reason for the...