OFAC FAQ (Current) # 883 - Burma-related

Date issued: Mar. 25 2021

Last substantive commentary amendment:
Jun. 15 2023

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TURBOFAC Commentary (584 words)


1) This FAQ is similar to other FAQs (see e.g. FAQ # 841) addressing designations of individual entities that were made in conjunction with the issuance of a wind-down license.

2) [Reserved]

3) See Examples of Transactions Deemed to be, and not to be, Within the Scope of the Standard "Wind-down" and "Maintenance" GLs.

4) *Note Common to FAQ # 807, FAQ # 835, FAQ # 841, FAQ # 883, FAQ # 1102 and FAQ # 1112

FAQ # 835, FAQ # 841, FAQ # 883, FAQ # 1102 and FAQ # 1112 all stand for the notable proposition as it relates to U.S. person facilitation of other involvement in underlying transactions of non-U.S. persons that are described by a general license, but not within...