31 CFR § 560.418 - Release of technology or software in the United States or a third country.

Date issued: May. 16 2024

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TURBOFAC Commentary (811 words)


1) This provision is unique to the ITSR, but has obvious cross-programmatic implications for other embargo programs where citizens of a given territory are not blocked, but where exports of goods or services to unblocked persons ordinarily resident in those embargoed countries is considered an "export" to the embargoed country.

Here, OFAC impliedly considers the "release" of technology or software in the United States to constitute a violation of 560.204, unless certain conditions apply. The term "release" is not a construction that appears in OFAC-administered regulations, and OFAC has not provided further guidance on how it interprets the term, but it is fairly evident that the purpose of this is to align the ITSR with the EAR, which considers the "release" of software or technology to be an...