Case No. IA-2014-308303-1
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Executive Director
International Society of Nephrology
Global Operations Center
Rue des Fabriques 1
B-1000 Brussels
Dear Mr. Segantini:
This responds to your request dated March 18, 2014 and supplemental email correspondence dated August 19, 2014 (collectively, the “Application”) on behalf of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), requesting authorization to allow Iranian nephrologists and healthcare professionals access to support and training through the ISN Fellowship, Continuing Medical Education, Educational Ambassador, Sister Renal Center, Research and Prevention, and Travel Grant programs (collectively, the “ISN Programs”). The Application states that ISN, an international professional society of nephrologists incorporated in the United States and headquartered in Belgium, is dedicated to providing education, training, and research for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of kidney disease...
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This guidance letter provides important clarity on a number of interpretive issues arising under Iran General License (No. E) (GL E), and given the general parallelism between GL E and other NGO GLs, the letter has significant cross-programmatic implications. In addition, the letter provides notable guidance on the scope of the travel exemption, and to a lesser extent the informational materials exemption.
First note that the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), notwithstanding the Belgian address and headquarters, is a “U.S. person” due to it being “incorporated in the United States”. As a result, the activities carried out from the Belgian headquarters were directly subject to the ITSR prohibitions without regard to 560.215 of the ITSR. ISN was/is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization...