OFAC FAQ (Current) # 828 - Guidance Related to Humanitarian Assistance with Regard to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Iran

Date issued: Jun. 14 2024

TURBOFAC Commentary (200 words)


1) This FAQ is merely a restatement of the other guidance and legal authorities referred to in the FAQ. It appears to provide no new "interpretive guidance" in the sense of statements that shed light on the scope and operation of any particular sanctions provision. Such restatements of pre-existing guidance are not uncommon in emergency situations (compare e.g. Iran Earthquake Guidance).

2) Refer to Fact Sheet: Provision of Humanitarian Assistance and Trade to Combat COVID-19, issued on Apr. 17, 2020. That document is a cross-programmatic, more comprehensive version of this FAQ.

3) The FAQ was initially released on 03-06-2020, and was amended on 10-26-2020 to account for the designation of NIOC pursuant to EO 13224. The substance of the FAQ did not otherwise change as a result of the 10-26-2020 designation. The FAQ was also amended on 10-26-2020 to include references to FAQs that were issued on 10-26-2020.

4) FAQ amended on 6-14-24 to specify that it applies to helping with “the humanitarian response to public health concerns” in Iran generally, not just as it relates to “the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak”.