Microsoft Corp. (2012 Correspondence With the SEC)

Date issued: Jan. 10 2012

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TURBOFAC Commentary (792 words)


1) This correspondence with the SEC is notable for its implications for the standard "personal communications" GL and the informational materials exemption as applied to internet services.

In 2009, "Microsoft...stopped offering instant messaging services to users in Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan, and North Korea," evidently due to sanctions concerns. (See Case No. MUL-271). This initially resulted in the issuance of the standard personal communications GLs at 560.540 of the ITSR and 538.533 of the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations.

560.540 (75 FR 11000, Mar. 10, 2010) provided (and still provides as of 3/2023) as follows:

"The exportation from the United States or by U.S. persons, wherever located, to persons in Iran of services incident to the exchange of personal communications over the Internet, such as instant...